Friend & Neighbor went down really hard!

I had two friend that hit a car that pulled out in front of them at night. I have pics on my site (go to albums and then click on Random Pictures and go to page 5 or 6 and youll see the RC51 and the R1. Damage was donr at 120 MPH. Both are OK now.

P.S. Please register on the site we need some new blood over there. The site is just a tiny site for people to exchange ideas.
Wow..I'm so sorry to hear about your friends misfortune. Last summer a friend of mine died in much a similar way. Your friend was lucky to have a doctor at friend apparently lost his was severed but because he lost so much blood everyone thought he was dead. I guess his pulse was so weak they won't able to find a pulse so they assumed he was dead because of this he died ..not from head injuries but from lost of blood. I'm glad your friend is still alive to tell his story. my friend on the other hand left behind two new babies..twins...and his new wife. He has a whole life ahead of him other friend..well new friend..she lost a leg in a bike accident..she was the passenager. Just the other she came by with her new leg and she walking around just fine..she says she even tryed to go swimming. He'll be fine..he has you and his family. So everyone take care please.
Greg..don't feel're a good friend.
Wow..I'm so sorry to hear about your friends misfortune. Last summer a friend of mine died in much a similar way. Your friend was lucky to have a doctor at friend apparently lost his was severed but because he lost so much blood everyone thought he was dead. I guess his pulse was so weak they won't able to find a pulse so they assumed he was dead because of this he died ..not from head injuries but from lost of blood. I'm glad your friend is still alive to tell his story. my friend on the other hand left behind two new babies..twins...and his new wife. He has a whole life ahead of him other friend..well new friend..she lost a leg in a bike accident..she was the passenager. Just the other she came by with her new leg and she walking around just fine..she says she even tryed to go swimming. He'll be fine..he has you and his family. So everyone take care please.
Greg..don't feel're a good friend.
Wow Julia, that's so terrible...I hate to hear about kids being left behind too; it just makes things so much more complicated and sorry you lost your friend...and glad the other friend has healed and is moving on...

I think we all have stories like these...sad, but a fact of life...

I was watching "Life in the ER" or something like that on TLC the other day. A guy came in after being in a bike wreck. His right foot was torn off, both his left and right arms were almost torn off in the middle of the forearm, and he had a huge gash in his left thigh.

He went thru a sign at a gas station. They never said what caused the crash but since he went thru a gas station sign with his body, and the witnesses never saw the bike, so he flew quite a distance before he hit the sign, I have to assume he was screwing around and messed up big time. He was wearing a helmet, which probably saved his life, but wasn't wearing any other protective gear. He had both arms and his right leg amputated.

It was completely unbelievable. The doctors even had a hard time mentaly dealing with it. One doctor went so far as to say that he now knew why he went thru the last 7 years of practicing medicine. It was to learn enough to try to save this guy's life.

Be safe everyone.
It's got to be one of the hardest professions...putting together the broken, mangled pieces from a motorcycle accident...

Family member that I lost a year ago hit a telephone pole in the wee hours of the morning...his bike frame broke (not cracked) right under his seat, so it's safe to say the point of impact was right where he was sitting...our hope is that he died instantly because the damage to his body had to be so traumatic after seeing the bike (now sitting under a tarp behind our shed)...

Good thing was that he was an organ a piece of him hopefully went on to save someone else...tough business being a doctor/nurse/ hats off to them all...
Man..Vabusa...that's so weird..I'm an organ donor. I know my parents won't be too happy..but's better I save a life that end up in some box or bottle.
Thanks for you wise words girl.
Being an organ donor is a good thing. My father-in-law was able to live 7 years longer due to a lung transplant. It is kind of weird thinking that someone had to die for you to live, but it is part of life.
My wife, myself and all my wife's family are donors. If it helps someone else live I am for it. I also have a friend that has a new liver. And no he is not a drinker.
I guess if it effects your family you become more in-tune with it.
Anyway just my .02, be safe ride careful :biggrin:
My wishes are with you and your friend. I have lost friends over the years and have seen many injured from bikes, motorcycles and the mountains. Like you I felt like I may have encouraged some to start their hobby. However, someone started me and my life, even with my injuries over the years, (though much less severe) would not have near as rich had I not met them.

You will be amazed at your friends recovery, I promise. Keep us updated and keep up your spirits.