Friend of mine in prision for 5.5 years

So for those of you saying no grey get a ticket for 56 mph in a 55 mph zone...automatic ticket, no questions asked, doesnt matter the circumstances? This obviously is a far stretch, the crime we are speaking of is much more serious.

There should be some type of consequences for her. While he should have walked away, she should have some type of punishment too.
he was 41?? and she was 16?? There is a reason those laws exist... even though you think she was willing, 16 year olds are easy to take advantage of and coerce. Yeah, he should do time.
I find it rather amusing that there are some here trying to deflect HIS responsibility in the matter...doesn't matter if she was a prostitute, if he KNEW she was underaged, he made a bad decision. You guys can pick her apart all you want, she was underaged and what he did was wrong. What she did (and may still do) is sad and pathetic, but what he did was illegal.

There's no gray area here...right vs. vs. illegal...I can't understand any reason to deflect the responsibility from him. And I hold those same feelings for women that pray on boys. This isn't an issue of men vs. women, it's adults and the limits they KNOW EXIST when it comes to minors...

again, +100000

Well said, Michelle. Underaged girls - even the most worldly ones - are looking for the fairy tale. Lots of the versions they have in their heads are pretty twisted because they've never see what a good, stable relationship is like. As pointed out earlier, bad parenting. I don't really know what underage boys think.

Your friend knew better and deserves the punishment. He got off easy, in my opinion. If it were a 41 yo woman with an underaged boy, I'd say the same thing.
So for those of you saying no grey get a ticket for 56 mph in a 55 mph zone...automatic ticket, no questions asked, doesnt matter the circumstances? This obviously is a far stretch, the crime we are speaking of is much more serious.

There should be some type of consequences for her. While he should have walked away, she should have some type of punishment too.

A speeding ticket isn't a good analogy for a 41 yo having sex with a 16 yo. Not in the same ballpark, not even the same sport.

Personally, I've never argued a speeding ticket...regardless of how much over the limit I was going.
I find it rather amusing that there are some here trying to deflect HIS responsibility in the matter...doesn't matter if she was a prostitute, if he KNEW she was underaged, he made a bad decision. You guys can pick her apart all you want, she was underaged and what he did was wrong. What she did (and may still do) is sad and pathetic, but what he did was illegal.

There's no gray area here...right vs. vs. illegal...I can't understand any reason to deflect the responsibility from him. And I hold those same feelings for women that pray on boys. This isn't an issue of men vs. women, it's adults and the limits they KNOW EXIST when it comes to minors...
So for those of you saying no grey get a ticket for 56 mph in a 55 mph zone...automatic ticket, no questions asked, doesnt matter the circumstances? This obviously is a far stretch, the crime we are speaking of is much more serious.

There should be some type of consequences for her. While he should have walked away, she should have some type of punishment too.

Brian, Not trying to bash you, but , Your friend was a cop ! he should have known best what could happen. What if it was your daughter ?? These type guys just dont get it. Now, maybe he will.
u see it every day older women having sex with young boys mostly get a slap on the wrist if you work for a large corperation all a women has to do is make an allegation of harrassment and the male is demoted or transfered. lets have some equal rights here.everyone no matter age race or sex the rules should be the SAME if not there is no equality.
Yup, I agree with everyone else. She can let all of her young 16 an 17 yr old boys ride her like a New York City bus, but if an old guy hits it, off to jail. You have to realize that once you get up in age, you can never legally hit any perky, young, vibrant, and firm little 16 yr olds again. That is the great advantage of being young, young kids can hit that over and over with no problems..... Oh well. Look at the 20+ age group, its safer!

Remember the golden rule, no matter how hot any woman is, there is a guy that's tired of hittin it and has walked away....think of that the next time you see a woman who rocks your world!:cheerleader::cheerleader:
Lots of debate about what should or shouldn't be. None of that is relevant so fuggedaboudit. The only way it becomes relevant is when we talk about what laws should be changed, etc.

In this instance, there is definitely a black and white situation and it is this: if you're over 18, don't have sex with someone who's under 18.

That's it.

The sentence fits the crime if only for one reason: It shows a lack of judgment on the part of your friend. Do we want a guy who is supposed to be enforcing the law to be able to break the law with impunity? Hardly. The judge gave him a slight break so he needs to just be glad of it and do his time for it.

I gave up a friendship with a so-called friend who had sex with an underage girl, a similar situation to your friend's except my former friend wasn't a police officer. I thought about it long and hard and finally realized that as a friend, I would never be able to trust him again. Very tragic.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in supporting my friends but not when they're showing poor judgment like this. Supporting my friends means helping them do the right things for the right reasons, not backing their play when they're effing up theirs or others' lives.

I have sympathy for you, but not for him.

I have an 8 year old daughter who will be 16 before I know it, so I'm sort of prejudiced on this subject - if a 41 year old man touched her, especially an authority figure, no matter the circumstances, you'd have to lock him up or I'd kill him.

She may have known 'exactly what she was doing', but she's still a juvenile for a reason - he was an adult who was supposed to be responsible for himself, and others. The portion of a young adults brain that controls judgement doesn't even fully develop until after 20, so she didn't know 'exactly' what she was doing to herself. What I want to know is where was this girls Dad? I suspect broken home? What you see in her is the sad result of poor parenting. What's you buddies excuse?

Sorry, a little emotional on this subject.
well I'm with you on this one. I DO have a 16 yo daughter and I would EXPECT an leo to be protecting her not flirting w her

However I do see blame on the parents here. The girl is a product of her upbringing. Someday I hope she finds better paths and your "friend" did NOTHING to help her.
Your friend didn't see a young girl that needs better influences in her life. He saw an easy young piece of tail.
Lots of debate about what should or shouldn't be. None of that is relevant so fuggedaboudit. The only way it becomes relevant is when we talk about what laws should be changed, etc.

In this instance, there is definitely a black and white situation and it is this: if you're over 18, don't have sex with someone who's under 18.

That's it.

The sentence fits the crime if only for one reason: It shows a lack of judgment on the part of your friend. Do we want a guy who is supposed to be enforcing the law to be able to break the law with impunity? Hardly. The judge gave him a slight break so he needs to just be glad of it and do his time for it.

I gave up a friendship with a so-called friend who had sex with an underage girl, a similar situation to your friend's except my former friend wasn't a police officer. I thought about it long and hard and finally realized that as a friend, I would never be able to trust him again. Very tragic.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in supporting my friends but not when they're showing poor judgment like this. Supporting my friends means helping them do the right things for the right reasons, not backing their play when they're effing up theirs or others' lives.

I have sympathy for you, but not for him.


+1, he was a cop and an adult. He knew the law better than most of us, but yet chose to ignore it. When you play you pay. I have a 5 yr old daughter and I can't imagine how outraged I would be if someone his age and in his position did that to her. I would probably be serving some time. It's just a bad situation for everyone involved. Hopefully they both learned from it.
Also, even if she turned legal age, he still might invoke the anger of parents.
White trash gone wild. Both are broken humans. Her for wanting a man that's twice her age. Which is usually a sign of abuse or neglect. And him for wanting to have sex with a girl that could be his daughter. Sicko. Imho that is. Deserves what he gets since he absolutely knew the consequences and still thought it was justifiable.
Posted via Mobile Device
wow....i actually see someone trying compare doing 56 mph in a 55 raping an underage girl....really?

the more excuses i hear, the more disgusted i am. this man was "deputy chief". he met this girl, let her into the private gym and then raped her....

we can talk about how unfair it is that she is not punished, but she did not break in....she did not hold him at gun point. she did not break the law...he did.

that you are not ashamed that a friend of your was attracted to a 16 year old girl, says a little about you....
So for those of you saying no grey get a ticket for 56 mph in a 55 mph zone...automatic ticket, no questions asked, doesnt matter the circumstances? This obviously is a far stretch, the crime we are speaking of is much more serious.

There should be some type of consequences for her. While he should have walked away, she should have some type of punishment too.

I'll bite for the sake of conversation, even though there truly is no comparison in the two. If I get stopped for speeding, there's little I can do to convince the police I wasn't speeding, so I'd accept the crime. I speed and get caught, I pay the price...sad analogy to say the least, but at least I would admit that if I break the law, I don't expect a free pass of any kind.

Consequences for her? She can be a drug addicted prostitute, rob people and beat up others for crack; if she's caught, she should pay for her crimes. Should she pay for your friend's actions? I don't see the logic, and please don't take this as an attack, but you're a close friend and hating that he's going through this, so I think you're looking for a reason beyond the obvious. There are times when we only have ourselves to blame for the life we lead. He had a choice, an especially important one given his career. From those on the outside not close to him, I see someone that abused his position and saw an easy lay, never considering the costs to his friends and family. It's sad for you, for his kids, those that have "lost" him due to what he did, but he can't blame her for HIS DECISION. Had he just said no, he wouldn't be where he is now. This girl could have propositioned him, rubbed all over him, promised him things he wanted, but that does not excuse his decision to cross that line with a minor.

I'm sorry you even feel the need to defend his actions. I do think it's time to take a step back and realize what he did and that he has no one to blame but himself. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's one he had complete control over. He's not a victim...
A man was sentenced to 40 years in prison Monday for conspiring to drug, torture and rape a young man he met at a nightclub.

Another Ledger Story

This does not include the murder charge.

Life sentence for rape: Life Sentence

If I read the statute right, he could have received up to 30 years.

I don't think he received a sentence that appears terribly unjust...
A child is a child period,boy or girl,man or sit beside that girl as your child would you want to see him walk,while your child whether wanting it or not lives with it the rest of their life he can forget it all in 5.5 years... :rulez: are for everybody