Q. What's the difference between a Green Bay Packer fan and a carton of yogurt?
A. The yogurt has culture.
Q. What do you have when you get 30 Packer fans in one room?
A. A full set of teeth!
Did you hear about the tragic death of two ice-fishing Packer fans?
They got run over by the Zamboni!
Q. Why do people from Green Bay go to Lambeau when there is a Tornado Warning?
A. Because there are no touchdowns there!
Q. What do you call a row of packer fans lined up ear to ear?
A. A wind tunnel!
You know you're a packer fan if the blue-book value of your truck goes up and down with how full the tank is!
Q. How do you know when a Packer Fan is angry at you?
A. He grits his tooth at you!
Did you hear that Brett Favre can't get into his own driveway? Someone painted an end zone on it!
Q. Why are the Packers all buying microscopes?
A. It's the only way they can still see their Superbowl chances
Q: What's the difference between Cheerios and the Green Bay Packers?
A: Cheerios belong in a Bowl.
Q: Why does Lambau Field have natural Grass?
A: The cheerleaders need somewhere to graze
Q: What do you call the Packer Huddle??
A: Drug ring!
Q: Did you hear about the fire at the Packers' library facilities?
A: Both books were burned, and one of them had not even been colored in yet.
Q: Why did Brett Favre get so excited after he finished his jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months?
A: Because on the box it said From 2-4 years.