Frisco, TX Get together

It was nice to meet all of you and I do apologize for having to take a nap but a full stomach cannot be denied. Good thing I was just stuffed instead of drunk or I may not have woken up for the magic marker attack.
Next time hopefully it will be warmer and we can get a nice ride in before gorging ourselves.

Kevin (CaliRoll)
It was nice to meet all of you and I do apologize for having to take a nap but a full stomach cannot be denied. Good thing I was just stuffed instead of drunk or I may not have woken up for the magic marker attack.
Next time hopefully it will be warmer and we can get a nice ride in before gorging ourselves.

Kevin (CaliRoll)


Nice to finally get you on two wheels
It was nice to meet all of you and I do apologize for having to take a nap but a full stomach cannot be denied. Good thing I was just stuffed instead of drunk or I may not have woken up for the magic marker attack.
Next time hopefully it will be warmer and we can get a nice ride in before gorging ourselves.

Kevin (CaliRoll)


Now, we need pics of the bike. There are :rulez:
Well, I am glad that everyone had a great time. Our house is always open. Next time we can do Italian and I will make sauce and Lasagna. Hope you have a safe trip home Firedog. It was actually cold today, did it make you miss home? It was great meeting you guys!! Cali Roll... :welcome:
Let's see how long his login stays as BackInBlack. :laugh:

Welcome to the .oRg, Kevin.
00's (busa and nurse), thanks for opening your house up to the entire posse. Good times!

I think we need to petition a name change:whistle:

Firedog knows people, let remind him once he gets back to WI.

I just spoke to him and he left this afternoon for home.
Yeah I think I have convinced him to come back this way... ok I didnt convince him the waitress at Bone Daddy's convinced him... Future Mrs. Firedog I think it was......

Post up or call me when you get back home man so we know you made it safe.
I got a txt from Firedog, he is home safe, sound and tired.
Woo-hoo!!! Got the same text. Thanks, Dog.

Thanks also to all of you fine Texans for taking such awesome care of our gargantuan friend!

I got a txt from Firedog, he is home safe, sound and tired.

Oh he's in big trouble then......I was promised a text last night when we were on the phone! :spank:

Okay....I retract the above message. My text decided to come through right after I posted this! OOOPS! LOL.
OK, I have some random pics of the meeting. First off we have the poppers. Simply Jalepeno's wrapped with bacon after being stuffed with cream cheese then placed on the grill...... So good


Then came the dogs. You know people have a good heart when your Pit mix starts bouncing from person to person. Charlie (the dog) was accused of stealing Lav's phone just so he would come back.:laugh:

She starte on Dan's lap


Then ended up for most of the evening on Lav's lap. He even got kisses, which is very odd for her.... I feel like she cheated on me:whistle:


Firedog was busy with the other two....
First was Maverick posing to get his belly rubbed.


Then Merlin was in his Lap


And of course Kevin (BackinBlack / CaliRoll) hit food coma status in a hurry. There are more pictures, but he is new to the board, don't want to scare him off yet.

The other pictures will probably have more value left un-seen. :poke: