A very interesting topic to be sure. Lots of opinions and you know how that saying goes. As for all the ones telling you to go ahead, I wonder if they would feel responsible if the next accessory you get is a tombstone. Seriously I have rode bikes for 12 years and bought my Busa 4 months ago. Each time I get on the Busa I have a healthy respect for it. Now, I have yet to do any modifications to the bike and I doubt there is a hand full of riders that can handle a Busa at its true limit right off. (I can see the ones saying, well I can, right now.)
I guess the younger you are the more invincible you become. As for me I cannot tell you how many people I see getting scraped up because they over bought too early. All that being said it’s most likely doubtful I will sway your decision, but think of your family and friends. It will be worth the wait to them if you put it off until you are more experienced. If you decide to go for it, for Gods sake, don’t get stupid and think you above the bike. And good luck.
By the way I’m 31 years old. Take a look at the ones telling you to go for it. You might be surprised at their age. And if they are older, ask if they would want their children or siblings riding with your experience. If their answer is yes, let’s all meet up and get someone from their family in the same situation. Then let me see them turn them loose on their bike. Best case scenario they are going to be getting a new bike.
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