Bob - I tried dealing with Oklahoma Honda-Suzuki last summer with pathetic results as well. I was looking for a Busa and their allotment was pre-sold. Instead of attempting to help by making a few calls to other dealers or even suggesting waitng for a 2000 Busa they attempted to sell me a new 1998 Honda XX [no FI/ram air] for $10,500! They claimed there were no Busas not presold ANYWHERE. (they lied) They had access to a whole batch of 98's still sitting in a warehouse. Because they were so considerate
they hinted they might let it go for $10,000 on a cash purchase! The guy feeding me the load of B.S. was Shawn Bostwick. I made two phone calls and found a new 99' XX with FI/ram air in Kansas for $8700. Fortunately I also found a new 99' Busa in Kansas instead thanks to Jeff W. Have you ever done business with House of Kawasaki/Suzuki?[what a combination] I don't know if they are any better but they couldn't be much worse? I've about decided it really helps - if possible - to find a Suzuki-only dealer. I'll be heading down to a Dallas area dealer for any needs I may have on my current 2000 Busa.[also purchased in Kansas]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 25 January 2000).]​
Todd, I have always thought you pretty cool, for a fish, and even I can understand if not share your misgivings in regard to the illustrious, monkey fuking, Falcon Cop... but please don't trash Suz/Kaw dealers in general...that would be doing an extream disservice to Cycle Performance in Torrington CT, 860-489-2631, and to those who would be dissuaded by such a would be hard pressed to find any bike shop other than Harley that sold only one brand, around here any way...soon, Dennis Lynn, the proprietor of Cycle Performance, will be checking out a ZX12 against a Busa to choose his new any case, we will soon be able to lay to rest the will be enlightening to see what bike Dennis Chooses...he has broken in more that one of my bikes already...but he aint had a crack at the Busa yet...customers keep snatching them...He is very interested in a personal comparison, and so am I...we will let you know how they work for two talented, if not world class, riders on the mamby pamby 1/4 mile or flat out in the desert stuff, but balls to the wall all out street scratching where the only law regarded is the Law of Survival and Victory is the only Goal...
I'm not sure how to be much more specific in only naming the SINGLE dealership - OKLAHOMA HONDA-SUZUKI that I've had a bad experience with than I just was?! I've spent far more time and posts passing on my very good experiences and purchases of 2 Busas with Olathe Suzuki in Kansas. Are you sure you read what I posted? I wish some one had told me about Oklahoma Honda-Suzuki before I started looking for a 99' Busa. If they didn't also sell another brand (Honda in this case) they wouldn't have been trying to scam me into buying an older model XX at a criminally inflated price. Olathe Suzuki only sells Suzuki and it shows. Other multi brand dealerships that I've done business with in the past have demonstrated similiar problems. Multi brand car dealerships have been even worse when it comes to meeting customer's desires. If they don't have what you want they will attempt to scam you into buying a different brand only because they have it to sell NOT because that is what you want or need. That unfortunately has been my experience.
Brian, Suzuki will be seeing this bike on tues I want to talk with the rep and let him test ride it and then give service the dirrection they need. I've lost a little respect for this dealership with the answer they gave me when I first brought this to them last saterday. The owner Chuck can't stand me because I had a busa on order with him and backed out when a friend told me to go to bartsville OK, Zach sold the bike 1200.00 cheaper than Chuck. I guess the tast of a** in his mouth was to much for him. Heck, he didn't want to the recalls on it. I had to complain to suzuki to get recall done. To far to go back bartsville so oaklahoma honda/suzuki here I come.
Brian, Suzuki will be seeing this bike on tues I want to talk with the rep and let him test ride it and then give service the dirrection they need. I've lost a little respect for this dealership with the answer they gave me when I first brought this to them last saterday. The owner Chuck can't stand me because I had a busa on order with him and backed out when a friend told me to go to bartsville OK, Zach sold the bike 1200.00 cheaper than Chuck. I guess the tast of a** in his mouth was to much for him. Heck, he didn't want to do the recalls on it. I had to complain to suzuki to get recall done. To far to go back bartsville so oaklahoma honda/suzuki here I come.
HAPO, I spoke with Scott at AJAX Kawa in Moore Okla, he said he has a customer that wants to challenge the busa with his new zx-12 when it arrives. Told him I'll take the the run against it. Would like to see first hand how bad this thing really is. The real test should be done in southeast Oklahoma on Talaheana (however you spell it) drive It's none stop twisting roads, up and down hills. Todd I know you've must of been their a bunch of times. Last year I ran this on a 1100XX and that bike worked me to death. Linked brakes were not made for that kind of riding, glad I sold it and got a BUSA. Can't wait to run the Tala drive this summer! OK BOB

Yes I made an all day trip to Mina last summer via Talihina on my 99' Busa. Rode very fast getting there since there is nothing but wide open spaces between here and there. I went via Clayton where there are some nice ridges and straights to really open up the bike on. It was 100+ degrees in Ardmore but cooler between Talihina and Mina. Like you I'm usually always alone since there are mostly kids on 600's and old farts on HD's here. They seem to be afraid to get near me and the kids on the 600's get wide eyed when they get close! :) Maybe we can hook up when it warms up. There is supposed to be a twisty highway over by Union City - out by El Rino I've been wanting to check out sometime. I found it listed on a web site that posts submissions from riders in different states for good twisty roads to ride. I'm also ready to head back to Ark before it gets too hot with the new 2000 Busa and I'm thinking of taking a tour through the northern part of Ark/Missouri in the Ozarks which are supposed to be a little better than the Wachita mts/Mina area roads. Looks like snow/ice may be finally coming for us in the next day or two but I expect winter to be short this year and look for 60's 70's as soon as March.

PS - Guess you are extra careful on HW 9? There have been a lot of accidents including biker deaths on that road lately. :(
I think I saw where they had lowered the speed limit too? [I get OKC chan 9, 4 and OKC Fox on cable here] Also I lived in far NW OKC for 9 years during the 80's. [nw 122nd/Meridian area] I also lived in Norman for about a year in 79 or 80 and went to Norman HS.
...very cool...I will be looking forward to reading about this on .org...I have a Date with a ZX12 myself, and Dennis and I will swap bikes for sure...the Bad Tire and Wheel Alingment sound like they most likly causes of the front end shimmy, but so many members with more Knowledge than myself have responded, that I figured my $0.02 was worth just that...
Todd, If your ever up in the norman area rideing give me a shout. You can reach me at Can't find to many peole that will bust the speed limit like I enjoy doing! This is done on a clear road not in traffic of course. Why buy a BUSA if you don't challenge yourself, 190 plus. For the question on the house of kawa/suzuki they have good service but thier prices can be a little high at times. I bought a KX250 and a jet ski from them in the past years. But they sold out before i could get a deposit down on the BUSA. Hope to ride with a this summer. BOB
Todd, Have a friend in El-Reno that owns a part plus dist. He and I rode the roads your talking about. Just be careful when you arrive in union city the cops hide in pretty strange places. Both of use recieved tickets from union city police that day. The roads are smooth and twisty. Perfect rideing for the power the busa has. If you head this way or to Mina let me know, I'm for a high speed ride! BOB
OKLAHOMA BOB; I live in Yukon- we should get together and ride sometime. I have a 00 blue and silver Busa I bought from the house of Kawasaki in December. E-Mail me or call 324-2146.See ya, Don Wells