Don't remember what it was. My FJR is getting 43 mpg on a break in.What kind mileage do GoldWings get these days?
Don't remember what it was. My FJR is getting 43 mpg on a break in.What kind mileage do GoldWings get these days?
Good point however let us look at the other side of the coin as this is already happening in other areas. Northern California if I heard it correctly. Personally I think it is a good thing if I was in the market for a new car.Ok im not a big fan of toyota but we all need to sell the trucks and gas kings and get a gas queen like a prius man i think they are ugly but cant bet the miles you get out of one tank that cost you like 25 bucks and yes i know why should we have to sell off out trucks when gas should be 89cents a gallon like it was 10 years ago
Yea, it makes me like my Ninja 250 even better. I filled up yesterday after 128 miles 2.0 gallons.I am riding more and more because of the fuel prices. Why get 21-22mpg in my 39-41mpg on either bike!!!!
I went into the gas station today and
asked for five dollars worth of gas.....
The clerk pooted and gave me a receipt.
Pooted? Is that Tennessee terminology?I went into the gas station today and
asked for five dollars worth of gas.....
The clerk pooted and gave me a receipt.
Quote from article:Check this out...
Right now we are at about 3.15.
That's what GRITS doPooted? Is that Tennessee terminology?I went into the gas station today and
asked for five dollars worth of gas.....
The clerk pooted and gave me a receipt.