Funny thread.

You know whats funny is that I never realized what I was doing until I read this but in the summer I always when I ride for a length of time, have to get off the bike when I stop and lift one leg a little off the ground and do a little shaked dance to "Situate things". I never realized it was cuz my balls were sticking to me. Oh man the things we learn on this board. lol
Almost as bad as having a hair catch in your clothes.

Yowtch. Betcha that Gold Bond won't fix THAT!

the best part is the tickly feeling when you peel it away from your leg.
There has been research from leading medical authorities linking "SSS" Sticky Sac Syndrome with SSS.. Stinky Sac Syndrome. And while shaving is the first step towards relief it is only a temporary solution to a growing problem. Please send contributions for research for a cure to this horrible affliction that plagues 100's of people a summer. Your contributions are tax deductible! Please send your contributions to the Foundation of Scrotal Sciences. Whether you are big or small SSS can seriously hamper your summer fun.
I thought I was the only one.  This is like an AA meeting.  I did not know so many of us had SSS.  I get it sometimes just laying around on the couch.

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OMG...this has been the funniest thread I've read on this board!

If I ever see a guy doing the "Shaky Dance", you can bet I'm gonna advise him to use Gold Bond!!!
I was digging through some of my old posts and ran across this one. This freaking thread still cracks me up to this very day. I thought I'd toss it back up so that some of the newer (and older) members can get a good chuckle.