Gas Mileage


Not sure if this has been discussed before or not so here goes. I have an 04 with about 18,000 miles on it and I am looking for any suggestions on how to get better gas mileage. I can go a little over 100 miles on a tank which I think averages out to about 18 miles per gallon or so. I checked it on a trip I took but I can't remember exactly. Anywhoo I think I should be getting better gas mileage so any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
You definately have a major problem there. My mileage is always in the 40/45 MPG range. You must need a tune-up and clean air filter.
That sure dont sound right. I get 41 consistently. You may be running way rich. Have you changed the exhaust or tried to tune it yourself? +1 on the tune up and fresh filter, but you are talking over a 50% loss in mileage.
I was off a little on the mileage. It's probably like 30 or so but either way it's off. I just went on a trip and clocked it but I can't remember exactly. Either way I still think I should be getting better. I changed the spark plugs back in March. I know the oil needs to be changed right now but not sure what else is involved in a tune up.
Cleaning the fuel filter, perhaps running a can of seafoam through it. Make sure there are no obstructions in your air system... if you have tried to tune it, then set it back to stock or a bona-fide map from PC or whatever you tuned it with.
I also get around 20 miles per gallon but i open it up all day long.
How did the plugs look when you took out the old ones? If yhou see a lot of soot you could be running rich. Ask a buddy to follow you & open her up. If there is a puff of black smoke it is definately running rich. Change the air filter at the very least though.
Riding position also affects mileage. If you ride in a more upright position (verses a tuck) you will potentially lose 3-5 mpg or more.
45.8 in last three tankfuls 08 with about 1400 miles - might be time for an oil change too...
40-44 on mine depending how I ride it. 30 isn't right either, my Mitsubishi pickup will get 28 on the hiway.
I'm in the low 30's right now, but I just ditched a bad tune and went back to stock. We'll see how well it picks up. Most of it if not all is in town though, and I've been ragging on it to "blow the cobbs" per say out of it as the bike sat.
Double check the mileage to see exactly what you're getting and let us know. A little more info would be nice too like if you have a pipe, power commander, or different sprockets.
Im in SC too and I get around 42 - 45 on the interstate when cruising below 70...and when I'm not acting up in the street.
i only get about 23-25 if i putter around and right at 21 if im always on it... i know i need a tune also, blows black smoke when it gets up in the revs...
My '01 with about 35K miles has seen steadily increasing MPG numbers. Lately the indicator has been routinely hitting 50.0, which is as high as the indicator goes. It registers a bit high because the distance is off although not by much, maybe 5% according to the GPS. Yesterday I put in 4.89 gallons and the odo read 267. If the odo is off by 5% thats still 52 MPG... The bike is an '01 run with Amsoil and the only mods are a K&N, Jardine Cans, and a PCII tuned for riding here in Denver. 1K miles ago when I changed plugs they were a nice tan color and they had done about 8K miles.

If I'm on the throttle it's pretty easy to drive the MPG down into the high 30s but not much lower.

Ride on!