Oh ya,filled up my tank yesterday 3/7/00 it was $1.99 at the old Union 76 for top grade gas in the Santa Clara/San Jose area.I keep telling my wife we should keep her Harley instead of selling it cause when the gas prices go above $2 a gallon the only thing on the road would be motorcycles,electric cars.Most people in the Santa Clara area have to drive long distance to work since the average price of a fixer upper house in the valley is $350,000.That is a house that is over 50 yrs old 1100 square feet in size and in need of repair.Most people buy out side the area like Holister,Tracy,Stockton which is about an average of 50 plus miles one way to work.The average price out there is around $190,000 to $225,000 for a brand new house which is around 2,200-2500 sq.ft. and now with the price of gas going up the people that thought buying houses out there would save them money are now faced with the cost of driving to work,which does not include tires and routine maintance.
We are faced with other issues besides the things that were brought up on this post,yes the price of oil is determined by Wall Street,but we are also being reminded that the earth is getting warmer and the cities are being more polluted due to the increase of motor driven machines in the world the reduction in forest in the world.Our government trys it best to please the world and also the big companies that have helped some of these representatives in Congress who were put there by these big companies.Our representatives in Congress may say that they are for the School system being upgraded, Heath programs being upgraded, gun control, and all that other cr*p,but they only say that when they want to get in office but after they are elected they become bed buddies with the big companies and the only time you here about your representatives is when a gun violence happens where kids who kill kids come on the news than that is when your representatives face shows up on the TV or newspaper saying how bad guns are for this nation.The bottom line is write you representatives of your state and the ones in Congress on how you feel about the current issues in America.Let me tell you they do read those letters and some of them respond back also.I know cause when I was fighting the Helmet Law repeal in California and I wrote letters to some of my representatives they responded back.Bottom line in America it says FOR and BY the PEOPLE,which is us and we can make a difference.Ride Safe oh ya when is the GAS OUT Day going to be Held?