Gen 1 1441 build advice..

Built my camaro as much as I could... 4.56 gears/cam. street slicks.... I worked at a gas station/ auto shop for the first 20 years of my life... so yeah.... I know a little.... THEN I worked as service manager at Walts Bros auto repair in west spfld MASS... they work on Saab/Volvo/Audi... some BMW stuff..... been around cars all my life..... and started riding when I was 16... I could ride a motorcycle before I could drive a car... first bike was an 82 Kawasaki 440ltd.... but bear in mind... I always lived in apartments.... no house/garage....
What about bikes mate .... anything ??? Nothing ???
You got engine work on all them ? Even the 440 .... sheeet , you are up to speed for sure !!
lol... no I don't toad... and im telling u.... im not sure what ure problem is.... but it aint with me... and as long as im not giving anyone bad info... don't know what ure problem is
Just trying to get the full picture , of where all your advice is coming from , books or actual hands on experience , guess you answered that for us , hope one day you get to do an actual build project mate , the experience is really something , much better than only reading about it !!
Just trying to get the full picture , of where all your advice is coming from , books or actual hands on experience , guess you answered that for us !!
BOTH.... lol.... having the information is part of the battle. ANd why did u single me out? did u ask anyone else their life story? did I give bad info? I was trying to help.....
Maybe if you could be a real carer , when your Old Mother gets sick , you could go and do the right thing , but I doubt if you know what caring for someone means , plus if you own the house like me , it is a great way to live . Hahahaha
what? what do u do for work?
Maybe you should get that speaker system and the pillion seat and mate it up to the goldwing you should be riding FAST !!
good.. u earned everything u got.. glad ure happy... but don't try to look down on someone because they work hard everyday and cant afford to waste any money.
Hahahahaha , I make money bro , all is good over here in Australia ,Hahahaha
u sound like a drug dealer.... lol "I make money bro".... I know u must have worked a job at some point.... I was just wondering if u knew what it was like to have to scrimp and save.... and understand that my PRIORITY is that I have a car that starts every time I stick a key in it.... I HAVE TO get to work... I don't own a house... it snows for months and months here....and I cant afford to put carbon fiber everywhere on my motorcycle.e
Plenty of jobs bro , been around a lot longer than you Dannyboy , you can keep guessing if you want buddy !! Hahaha , maybe get you girl to work and help you out , or are you really busted up as I heard recently . If so , keep slugging it out at the bull pen bro , you will get there one day , I sure didnit get given nothing to start with !!
Plenty of jobs bro , been around a lot longer than you Dannyboy , you can keep guessing if you want buddy !! Hahaha , maybe get you girl to work and help you out , or are you really busted up as I heard recently . If so , keep slugging it out at the bull pen bro !!
who said I was busted up? lol... toad.... I never thought I was better than anyone... and yes ive had to use force at times but I never faked like I was hurt or was dishonest.... glad it funny to you that I was hurt.... but guess what... I STILL went to work.... because I HAVE TO... nobody loves me enough to take care of me.... lol
Mate , you always talk like you think your better than anyone , lol , I cant believe you feel anything about anyone really mate .... we all get hurt in life mate , still got to get onto the job ... life goes on ,' you take it out on others tho and what goes around can come around ' .