Gen 1 Motor Into Gen 2


Ok so I was looking and seeing a bunch of different answers. Currently have a gen 2 busa that needs a motor. Have a complete gen 1 motor. Want to stay with all my gen 2 electronics. What all parts do I need exactly to stay gen 2? I'm thinking throttle bodies, a head, valve cover different?, crank sensor and/reluctor wheel?

Any thing else? I thought I read something about the trans output shaft?

Thank me for any help guys!
Listen to GIXERHP!!! He forgot more about Busa's than most people could learn in 2 lifetimes......

I'm no guru like him but I'll tell you that I've read enough threads from guys like you trying to do these conversions to know that it is a very frustrating, time consuming, colossal waste of time & $$$ !!!!
The wiring harness alone would be a challenge. Resale value would plummet and offset the savings. Unless the gen 1 is super built it migjt be a good idea to sell it and then but a used gen 2.
How about...its already a 1441 with a ape done head. That's the only reason I'm considering. For around the $2500 range.
Motor description 2006 Hayabusa block,APE stud kit,2008 crankshaft, backcut trans, Carillo rods, JE Gas port pistons 84 mm , APE exchange ported cylinder head,WEB cams @ 108 Adams Fuel log, Comes with complete BROCKS Titanium TWINDER , Awesome motor and you wont be disappointed.

Can get it for 3200 with the tiwinder