Very Nice work. But just curious. Does have someone leaning back against the backrest rather then forward, destabilize the Bike at all? My passengers usually weigh about the same or close to what I do.
Very Nice work. But just curious. Does have someone leaning back against the backrest rather then forward, destabilize the Bike at all? My passengers usually weigh about the same or close to what I do.
Love your design ! Wondering if you ever thought of making the supports out of tubing or round bar similar to the stock grab rail. Think of grabbing the rail and pulling it up and back at 45 degrees then extending it to the rear. I think it would suite the bike better and maybe be easier on the tush. Wish I had the skills to work metal like you can.
Yet another aftermarket part. I love this bike! Great job on the product KVHotDog4!
For those that have a rear bag/box .
If the seat back could be removed easily. Then the rear bag/box could be attached to the luggage rack and be very very versital.
Maybe you could just find an easy way to have it fold forward instead of removable? Maybe adjust the height so that it creates a big flat area for the box brigade. (those sneaky hooligans with the cop cloaking box on the back!)