Gen 2 hump mod

@c10 I hurried up and married her 38yrs. ago before she had a chance to think about it. lol
I'm guessing hand tools won't cut it in getting my cowl to look as clean as yours. Would you list what it will take, I'll appreciate it!
When I cut my hump for my pack rack rails, I marked it out with a sharpie, and used a die grinder with a tungsten carbide bit . . .

I got it close to the marked line, then finished it with a fine file to clean it up, looks factory!

Does the pan need trimming as well? Looks like that would interfere
Yes, quite a lot, you lose the 2 rear mounting bolts so I sikaflexed the rear edge of Pan to inside of hump, definitely looks better when not running seat, got pics if needed