Suzuki has been dropping the ball for years, in the Cruiser world as well as Sport Touring.
The Gen 2 Busa was at least 3 years behind schedule when it was released. And now again the true Busa enthusiasts , hoping for some change. Too little to late, I say.
Gen1's had very little improvements over the years, 99 to 2007.
And mostly the improvement where fixes to make things right
Gen2's went 5 years before they added ABS, that sucks. What they should have done was to put a good Master cylinder on the bike and make it stop better, but no, same Master on all years all the way back to 1999.
Finally the 2017 and up have a better fuel pump, and that's hardly no one knows about, but it only works in 17 and up tanks,,,
Every manufacturer does it, to keep costs low, but Suzuki is not watching to see what we are buying next, and they need to.