Gents allow me to present....

( spelling? )
I have all the guys and some of the ladies over here at my station wondering where this is at...

We all wanna go!!!

My my are the ladies all that good looking there? Cause this may be the place for the next Busa Meet and Greet...
great pics Projekt-that camera u got there is sweet! I love the scenery, but hate the temps...too hot for my northern Viking blood. Im dying in Milw right now-havent had a day below 80 in like 2 weeks...this blows! bring on fall please
So get this, my girlfriend went through my computer looking for pics. I didn't password protect my profile because I thought I could trust her. Well she just plain had a fit and grabbed all of her stuff... Left me a nice little note telling me what she thinks of my future bride or something like that... And, I had just gotten her that cool new Nokia fashion 7370 w' MP3, FM receiver and all sorts of goodies.
Stas Cabron Projecto
Those are some killer pics, gorgeous looking hainas, and superb picture quality with your camera. Thanks for sharing Bro...

When are you heading back down to SoCal?
Oops...sorry...I'd say if you're busy posting up pics of your "wish list" and you had a gal at home, I'd kind of be ticked's a "woman thing"...we don't like competition LOL

Got the #'s for any of those gals handy?
I have all the guys and some of the ladies over here at my station wondering where this is at...

We all wanna go!!!

My my are the ladies all that good looking there? Cause this may be the place for the next Busa Meet and Greet...
I would be happy to host a bunch of riders from the org. I do have a few bikes to rent for just this type of occasion. So book your tickets for Sarajevo and we can ride the looooonnnnnnggggg ride together..
Oops...sorry...I'd say if you're busy posting up pics of your "wish list" and you had a gal at home, I'd kind of be ticked's a "woman thing"...we don't like competition LOL

Got the #'s for any of those gals handy?  
Yes, each and everyone of them. All aspiring models... Lucky me.

Thing is that she should not have been snooping. I had a plan to include her on future outings of this type. Oh well, my prospects for stunner girlfriends have multiplied exponentially after this trip...
Stas Cabron Projecto
Those are some killer pics, gorgeous looking hainas, and superb picture quality with your camera. Thanks for sharing Bro...

When are you heading back down to SoCal?
Pues se dise que soy un cabron mas chingon.
Gracias, but after having started this thing I will probably never ever ever .... did I mention ever go back to California..
Oops...sorry...I'd say if you're busy posting up pics of your "wish list" and you had a gal at home, I'd kind of be ticked's a "woman thing"...we don't like competition LOL

Got the #'s for any of those gals handy?  
Yes, each and everyone of them. All aspiring models... Lucky me.  

Thing is that she should not have been snooping. I had a plan to include her on future outings of this type. Oh well, my prospects for stunner girlfriends have multiplied exponentially after this trip...
Allow me to ruin the fun and play devil's advocate, shall I? Why shouldn't she be allowed to know what you obsess over? Honestly, if you're in a committed relationship, why not be honest with her, maybe show her the pics yourself and say "hey, doesn't this place/these gals look amazing?" Only she can answer what her reply would have been...finding out stuff behind your back is never a fun way to figure out what makes your man tick...just my $.02

At any rate, do I win the prize? Is it the island of Hvar? Croatia? Anywhere near there?


That post belongs in the hall of fame!!!
Yeah and you should have seen the looks I got when my Model hopped on the back of my BUSA for the ride back to her place, through the WalkPlatz/Korso/Boardwalk. Everybody (hundreds of people, mothers and children) had mouths agape... Walking off the pier with her back through the bars and cafes was one of the most memorable experience I have ever had.. But hey it's just a job.