A small but important victory for the right to bear arms.
Now, if we can just keep bears from acquiring arms.......
Now, if we can just keep bears from acquiring arms.......

Vol. 17, No. 8 02/26/10
Right-to-Carry Takes Effect In National Parks
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On February 22, a new law took effect that applied state firearms laws to national parks and wildlife refuges across America.The implementation of the new law, which the National Park Service (NPS) has planned for since passage of H.R. 627 last May, has so far been without major problems. NPS management reports that it has worked with the 493 individual parks, promoting a consistent message on several key points:
• Under the new law, every park is subject to all the firearms laws of the state (or states) where the park is located.
• Park visitors must know and obey state laws, including knowing which state laws apply in parks (such as Yellowstone) that cross state boundaries. (For information on state laws, go to NRA-ILA ::.)
• The new law affects firearms possession, not use. Laws regarding hunting, poaching, target shooting or any unlawful discharge remain unchanged.
• It will remain unlawful to carry in certain locations, under a separate law that prohibits possession of any firearm in a "federal facility."
U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments In McDonald v. City of Chicago Next Week: As we reported last month, on Monday, January 25, the U.S. Supreme Court granted NRA's motion to allow it to participate in the upcoming oral argument in the landmark McDonald v. City of Chicago case.
Volunteers Needed For 2010 NRA Annual Meetings In Charlotte: The 2010 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 14-16, 2010, in Charlotte, NC. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.
Get Your Copy of Stephen Halbrook's Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876: Does the Second Amendment apply to the states? The Supreme Court will soon decide that critical question. As that historic day approaches, there's no better time for all Americans to learn more about this issue.
Join The NRA Online Advisory Panel: Last November, the NRA introduced a new service and community for our members, the NRA Online Advisory Panel. Inside this community, NRA members can vote and comment on Second Amendment issues, see how they compare to Congress, and track key legislation. The panel now has more than 10,000 members. The opinions and feedback of the Online Advisory Panel are helping to guide the strategy and agenda of the NRA heading into a critical political cycle. If you're not already a member of this growing community, you don't know what you're missing. We hope you will take a moment to join today by clicking HERE.
Second Amendment March On Washington Scheduled For April: There will be a Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C., on April 19, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Attendees will gather on the northeast corner of the Washington Monument grounds at 10:00 a.m., and the entire event will take place there (due to logistics, the event will be more of a "rally" than an actual march).