Get you and your 'Busa in a mag

i told ya my story Dave...i know it aint *brief* but its a doosey!

keep up the great work throwin tons of Busas in your mag so all tha haterz go nutz that their 1997 CBR 600 with color-matched grips n stickers cant get a four-page expose!
As soon as I get my bodywork on I will get a few pic's in (Waiting for your painter when it's 80deg. sucks). I'ts funny this is on here,I have the new issue right in front of me at the computer right now.Thanks dave.
i sent a pic and story..but without me in it since i have none. at the moment the bike is apart but i'm thinking of sending a pic of me with the bike and body panels along wiht pics of the bike previously painted [twice before] and as titled in my email sent "third times the charm" HA!
Vabs, my pic didn't make it last year but my paragraph did. I wonder how this pic from Daryl would look?

guys keep sending your stuff.
i only have a small handful of replies so far, yet lots of replies and posts on the thread.

here it is again:

We'd like to know how you ride, where, or any particular story you think is worth reading. If you don't have much to say, just fill in the chart and leave it at that!
then send us a decent pic of you and your bike"â€￾at the strip, trackday, street, cruising with the lady, sitting on it at a gas station...whatever.

fill this in along with anything else you'd like to say, and send it and a pic or two to:

Miles done:
best upgrade:
favorite aspect of bike:



PS...who is "Bruce?"
i would've liked to have had it wrapped up by tomorrow, but it might have to spill a few days more until i get some more replies.

don't worry about the snow...just roll her out and pose up!

Gauruntee that all the pix I send you will be in the mag along with my story and I'll be happy to send ya an email
I havent posted in a work in progress though...or money pit as its also known as

pic 1
