Getting closer....

(danf @ Jan. 17 2007,12:46)
(BusaWhipped @ Jan. 17 2007,09:49) Dude its called soap and water!!!!!
(Mrs. BusaWhipped)
I've seen that bike up close and personal. It's gonna take a lot more than soap and water to get all that road grime off!

Never would have thought about doing that to the stock cans.. Powdercoat?

Looking good different but good..
(Pops Roos @ Jan. 19 2007,08:41)
(danf @ Jan. 17 2007,12:46)
(BusaWhipped @ Jan. 17 2007,09:49) Dude its called soap and water!!!!!
(Mrs. BusaWhipped)  
I've seen that bike up close and personal.  It's gonna take a lot more than soap and water to get all that road grime off!

Never would have thought about doing that to the stock cans.. Powdercoat?

Looking good different but good..  
It's all done in different colors of ceramic based engine enamel. Different is the goal.

I was hoping to have is all back together today, but couldn't get it done before having to leave for work. Tomorrow for sure. I just hope I can get it doneintime to take it out for pictures before our next winter storm rolls in.