before the mishap last year, paid 146/mo, now up to 175/moOuch baybee very OUCH! Chris How much before the afore mentioned fiasco? How much did your car rates go up?
Yes you do, Just got mine and they sent me a nice letter to inform me they were gonna drop me, as i dont have another vehicle with them. Im heading to State Farm tommorrow and add a vehicle...I've heard also that State Farm is the way to go. But I think you have to have a car insured with them also. I am going to try them when I get my new Busa.
Dude, you gotta shop around a little more. Sounds like you are insured with Progressive. Check into State Farm, Farmers, etc... Florida is an expensive state to insure a sportbike in but you might be able to save a grand or so anyway pretty easy...$3200 for full year. 20/yr old in florida