The story on orbs.These were at cemetery, check out "orbs", look like faces on them.
Wow, that guy is reaching and stretching for any answer possible. He hasn't a clue what he is talking about. He has a great imagination though.Great input! For some Christians(and others) ghosts go against belief and teaching. Here is a link to a guy(who might be a little far out there)(and doesnt reflect my views necessarily)(now disclaimer is done).I believe there are angels and demons. I don't believe that the spirits of dead people are roaming earth though.
But the link is about how he sees ghosts and Christianity as compatable. He seems to have ALL the answers(a little scary in itself) You may not agreee but might find it interesting reading anyway.
OK, that made meBoo!![]()
I believe there are angels and demons. I don't believe that the spirits of dead people are roaming earth though.
yea i believe that they exist i have had stuff happen to me b4...
for starters: when i was lil like 3-4 my parents me and my sis then 2-3 lived in an apartment, then my mom and dad had some friends over one nite(me and my sis were asleep) and started to play the weji(sp) board they asked it all sorta weird stuff and then like my mom asks if my greatgma (her grandma, who died when i was bein born) anyways she asks if she is there and they hear a loud bang come from upstairs and she says nah that could be anythin tell me your here and it spells out cherries which when my mom was lil she used to climb on her gmas cherry trees, tho no1 had known this, now heres where i come in she says thats not enough prove your here and all of a sudden i walk into the room starin wide eyed and blankly my arms just hangin to my side and i look over at her and say "I'm here" then she has my dad put me to bed when he returns she says that if she really is there to have her show them(still didnt believe lol) and again i walk into the rom the same way and i say again "i'm here" and by then she just has me put to bed and they get rid of the board lol
second story is one nite while i was lil again i was layin in the bed w/ my mother and this time i think we were in transition from our apartment to our new house closer to my gma so we were livin w/ her till we moved in, anyways im layin there and shes awak and all of a sudden i wake up out of a dead sleep and sit up straight lookin at the doorway again wide eyed and blankly starin at it then she asks me wats wrong and i say "whose that man" she says wat does he look like i tell her its a man in overalls and says he ahs his two horses w/ him red and soethin else...well come to find out my great grandfather usually wore overalls and had two horses one named red and the other name...and again im only like 4-5 and hes been dead for many years and i had never heard of him...which makes it more weird is a few days later i enter a room no1 was really allowed into and there is a picture of him and i told my mom "hey thats the man i saw the other nite'
tho i saw him one more time when i was like 6-8 i was outside my gmas house and i look over to were our swingset was and wat do i see i see him standin in his overalls w/ his horse i just looked at him and then went about my business and told my mother about it
now this is my final one i promsewell this one happend i think in the same room i saw my great grandfather the first time...tho this time from wat i remember i look in the doorway and i see dark black/red clouds and inside it a man whose part bull w/ horns and all tho not a minotaur but just a man who had horns on his head tho all i coudl see was his head and only a small part of his torso...tho this kinda goes w/ this, but if any1 remembers that a movie called the omen came out in 6/6/06 well one day im at the theatre w/ a friend watchin some other movie a few days or a few weeks b4 it came otu and at the time im 15 1/2 so we are watchin the previews and when i watched it im in a happy cheery mood and it shows that trailer for it and at one part it flashes not all to fast but not really lingerin on it an image of a red or black cloaked figure that had a cow/bull skelatal head w/ horns and no joke i'll admit it scared em i dont know y but it did and scared me almost to the point of tears
those are my stories hope some1 finds enjoyment or mystery out of these
I figure I might as well throw my story out here too. I don't know what happens to us when we die, I like to believe we go to heaven, but who really knows. I just trust in the word of God and I will have those answers soon enough. Hopefully not "too" soon though!!!
My Mother's little brother was hit by a drunk driver and died at the age of 10. According to my Mom he was a prankster and a not so nice little brother. But hey, he was 10 she was 13.My Grandmother always said afterwards that the back door would slam shut and she would hear footsteps coming into the house while she was there by herself. A few years later, 25 maybe. My Mom, sister, brother and I moved in with my Grandparents (divorce). One night there was a thunderstorm, not real bad, but enough to wake me up. I looked out the upstairs window of my bedroom and noticed the wind was blowing pretty hard, saw my Grandfathers 72 Caddy parked out back by the Weeping willow tree. Noticed there was something caught on the passenger side mirror. It appeared to be a big sheet of clear plastic (tarp). It was raggedy and torn. All of a sudden it appeared to take on a human shape, like someone wearing a hooded long cape. Wind is still blowing, but this "plastic" is not behaving like ordinary plastic in wind. It appears to be standing up beside the car now. The next thing I know part of the plastic acts like an arm and moves "against" the wind and starts to beckon me to it. It did this several times. I blinked, rubbed my eyes and even turned my head and looked back at it. Still it kept "beckoning" me. (I am getting goosebumps as I write this). Well I had enough. I was so scared. I slammed myself back on my bed, covered myself up completely. Only part of my nose was sticking out of the covers. I then heard the back door slam. Just the wind, I tell myself. Footsteps downstairs in the hall. My grandparents sleep downstairs, I am sure they were up for something, right? Deliberate foot steps on the stairs. My grandfather frequently gets up during the night to use the bathroom up stairs, kind of his room thing. The footsteps don't go down the hall to the bathroom, they come toward my door. I start shaking at this point. My door opens. It was an old house, so the doors sometimes will get a little sticky, so it didn't creak open, it popped open and then creaked. This ain't good. Oh, God what is this. I want to look, but don't dare. My bed creaks as "someone" sits on the edge. HOLY C***!!!! I want to scream and run, but don't dare to look or move. I finally decide that if this "thing" was going to hurt me or kill me it would do it while I was asleep. I woke up the next morning in the exact same position I fell asleep in. My whole body was cramped, cause I had not moved a muscle. I very slowly pulled the covers off of my head and looked at the edge of the bed. There was an imprint on the edge of where "someone" had sat on my bed. It only happened once, Thank God!!! I also looked around outside that morning for any plastic caught on the car or even across the field in the woods. Not a sign of plastic anywhere!
My weird experiences are mainly in dream form. An example, As a Teenager, living with the grandparents, I had a dream about my Paternal Great Grandma. I knew her, I knew both of them. Maternal Great Grandma (Momma Self) was still alive at this point. The one in my dream had been gone for quite a few years. Anyway. I dreamt I had walked through the woods to visit Momma Self. Instead I came to strange two story white farm house. I walk in the front door and it is set up like an old country store. An empty dusty counter and cob-webbed infested shelving on the wall behind it. Nobody is there. I walk to the archway, old wooden floor creaking with each step, and I see my Great Grandmother sitting in the "parlor", knitting. She looks just as I remembered her while she was well. Long gray hair pulled back in a bun, farmer wife type dress, with a crochet shawl and a granny square lap blanket over her legs. She looks up and sees me and says "child, come on in. How have you been." I go in and start talking to her, don't remember what I said. Anyway, I notice there is a double stair case in the room leading to the second floor. So Grandmother and I finish talking and she says to tell my mother to come and visit her sometime!!!!!! Well I wake up. I go down stairs and tell my Mom and Grandmother about my dream. Their faces go white. They then told me that I just described the house that my Great Grandparents use to live in and that my Great Grandfather ran a "country" store out of the front of the house. There was also a double stair case in the parlor. They know I have never been in the house, because at this time and for sometime before I was born, this house was in pretty bad shape, very run down with roof caving in. I guess she was just checking in on us!!![]()
Have a "Ghoulish" Day!![]()
This I believe is true. Once your gone your in heaven or hell. BUT there are angels (good or bad) that roam the earth.
Many Christians believe that once you die you go to heaven or hell, but according to the Bible when one dies, they rest until judgement day. So, in other words Rest in Peace actually have a meaning that many do not quite understand. Some are also taught that you will see someone in heaven after you die, but the Bible also says that you will not be able to recognize you father from your mother, your mother from a stranger and so on and so on.