Give your dad a hug today

According to my mom, when I was taking my first steps my dad threw a book
at me and knocked me over. And it got worse. Hug that monster, I'd rather not.
I undertand completely. Me and werdkat lost our father 3 years ago on novemer first. We both took trips to the mountains. I went to the dragon, he went to the smokies
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Lost mine on 10/31/03, Just gave my grandson a hug and a kiss, he will pass that on.
My dad was killed in Viet-Nam in 1967. I joined the army a few years later an became a sniper, and went to Viet-Nam to get even.

I still miss my dad.
Good Stuff !!!!!!!!!!!! Appreciate the Ones YOU LOVE.................Because Tomorrow may Never Come. 8 Years for Dad and 10 Years for Mom................ LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!!
lost dad due to being a heavy drinker and his body couldnt fight off simple infections... miss him...learned from his mistakes.
This post makes me sad I guess. My father is alive and I have no reason to call him. A drunk, abuser, Myself, my mom, my sister being tossed threw walls, etc. He survived a stroke that when he deserved to die. Crap runs too deep for me to even mention but he is a monster of a person who never has to pay for his wrongs. I have forgiven and tried to forget and nothing makes him a better man. Hopefully one day my girls will read a thread like this and they will pick up the phone and give their old man a call. :(
God bless all you guys with good father-dads. I could only wish.
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This post makes me sad I guess. My father is alive and I have no reason to call him. A drunk, abuser, Myself, my mom, my sister being tossed threw walls, etc. He survived a stroke that when he deserved to die. Crap runs too deep for me to even mention but he is a monster of a person who never has to pay for his wrongs. I have forgiven and tried to forget and nothing makes him a better man. Hopefully one day my girls will read a thread like this and they will pick up the phone and give their old man a call. :(
God bless all you guys with good father-dads. I could only wish.
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God bless you, you're a good person, God will take the burden for you. Keep praying he hears you.