I pretty much agree with all of the above but would like to add...
Don't forget how heavy this bike really is. While riding it doesnt feel so bad, but parking lot, u turns, and maneuvering around the garage it will feel like piloting a dead horse. If u have ever dropped ur 300 (at slow speeds or walking) u WILL drop this beast and may not be able to get out from underneath. Just be careful and always be cognizant of getting off balance...it will go down. Alllll the way- no recovery here. This will become very apparent on gravel too.
If ur the kind of guy that his devil on one should occasionally listens to the angle on the other, I say go for it. If, on the other hand, ur devil has already killed that pesky angle...well, I would walk away! Btw, this is the main reason I stayed off street bikes until I became much more mature into my 30s! Relatively speaking of course!
Good luck,