I guess looks are very subjective, my "Girl FRIEND", not my wife, has one
(2011 650)and it's one of the funkiest, ugliest, looking bikes I have ever seen, totally impracticle for street or dirt, however, I heard that they do well on the savanah
Now, remember, 'what is said at the .org, stays at the .org' right?
I did some dirt roads in Tennessee recently with the bike pictured below. Got two V-Stroms amongst others, most of the other bikes pulled aside on this canyon carving dirt road to let me go past, but the V-Stroms tried to hang in there. First exit from a turn I lost them both and one turn 1/4 mile later I could not even see them in my mirrors. Later we got back on paved road and I stopped for a soda, they both came past. Back on the Husky I headed to the next set of unpaved roads and this time it was a bit muddy with a few puddles. Both the V-Strom riders were walking next to their bikes on the throttle this time, while I went flying past.