Going to Schnitz Racing tomorrow for my dyno any guess on #'s


Going to Ryan tomorrow for dyno and tune just curious on numbers or if anyone can guess before i know lol. For the bike info
I have 2008 busa vance and Hines 4-2-2 headers woolich log box pro bcm race filter vortex stock gear sprocket moto go style slash tips also have done the pair valve mod.
Just had mine done, 184hp. Ryan said bikes with mods such as ours' should make 185-190. Mine was on the weak side. Wish you better luck.
I'd never say your wrong but numbers are only numbers unless they are all compared on the same dyno. Phantom's bike got 183.38, mine got 183.87. Both on the same dyno, pretty darn close I'd say.
I have a blue 08 busa with 4-2-2 TiForce titaniam exhaust and power commander3 that i had dynoed a couple years ago at 198bhp/112 lb torque..

I was told by Ryan today he could have gotten me bigger hp numbers but we were both happy with the power band I'm making max hp from 9k up to 11k most guys are hitting the bigger numbers at 11k from what he has seen. Also he was impressed with my torque numbers as well
I could almost lay my dyno sheet over yours and they would almost be a perfect match. I only got 106 for torque though. I had a K & N air filter but I had read so much pros and cons that I just left the stock filter in. I wish I would've put it in now. Oh well, RSR is too far away to go again.
Not bad 08phantombusa.....how does it feel now after the tune? As long as you're happy, that's all that matters... :beerchug:

I have a blue 08 busa with 4-2-2 TiForce titaniam exhaust and power commander3 that i had dynoed a couple years ago at 198bhp/112 lb torque..

BHP is a different conversion and not comparable! Not to mention a different dyno so really not apples-to-apples... ;)
Not bad 08phantombusa.....how does it feel now after the tune? As long as you're happy, that's all that matters... :beerchug:

BHP is a different conversion and not comparable! Not to mention a different dyno so really not apples-to-apples... ;)

She feels like an animal lol. Throttle a lot more responsive no dead spots now and pulls hard all through the gear