Going to talk to the recruiter

Well, if I'm going to go active duty, I think I should try out for SpecOps...I've always loved that stuff, and I think I'd be good at it.

There's nothing wrong with "bullet catcher," someone's gotta do it...and there's nothing wrong with Army, my Grandfather and two (in fact I think three) of my cousins were/are Army. (All infantry/airborne).

I want to go farther and go SpecOps, I want to be a GB and get to do all of the covert ops, and be a part of that brotherhood.

If there isn't a Marine Reserve Infantry in KS, then that's what I'll probably go for...Army/Marine SpecOps. I have a really strong desire to do that, and I think I'd be good at it.

on one hand you sound as if you aspire to be Rambo and then you mention you just want to go Reserve, not that there is anything wrong with the reserves because on one hand I believe it can be harder to have a full time job, be civilian and then have to turn it on 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a yr,rather then just living it 24/7.

but honestly,you sound as if you really dont know what you want and at 18 thats normal.

if you want to fire a rifle and thats all you want to do the go ahead and Join the corps,go to sniper school,you will be one of the deadliest men in the world with a rifle.

just remember,its not handed to you,you have to earn it.

as for the advice about heavy artillery, tanks..etc.my opinion is thats a great job during peace time,war time though your heavy artillery is a big target to the enemy and sitting in a tank,well there is nowhere to go when someone runs up and drops a grenande in and closes the hatch
Well, if I'm going to go active duty, I think I should try out for SpecOps...I've always loved that stuff, and I think I'd be good at it.

There's nothing wrong with "bullet catcher," someone's gotta do it...and there's nothing wrong with Army, my Grandfather and two (in fact I think three) of my cousins were/are Army. (All infantry/airborne). Easy to say until you are on a 2 way range.

I want to go farther and go SpecOps, I want to be a GB and get to do all of the covert ops, and be a part of that brotherhood.

If there isn't a Marine Reserve Infantry in KS, then that's what I'll probably go for...Army/Marine SpecOps. <--- 2 Different Animals both good but different missions I have a really strong desire to do that, and I think I'd be good at it.


I don't know what to tell you because you clearly have a very romantic notion about what you are getting into and I don't think you have a good grasp of the time it is going to take to get where you want to go. I can tell you in the Army you will NOT go from basic to the Q course. You will be in for about 3-5 years before that happens. This is why I recommended taking it in steps. Airborne School, JumpMaster, Ranger....having these under your belt prior to volunteering for SF selection will give you an advantage. Going SF is a process and not an overnight thing. I highly recommend you speaking to an SF Recruiter because they will give you a straight answer. PM me with where you are located and I will see if I can track someone down or get you a number.

I do not want to discourage you but I don't want you to make a decision you will regret.
as for the advice about heavy artillery, tanks..etc.my opinion is thats a great job during peace time,war time though your heavy artillery is a big target to the enemy and sitting in a tank,well there is nowhere to go when someone runs up and drops a grenande in and closes the hatch

Don't knock the big gun that goes "BOOM" (skydivr was a tanker) :thumbsup:
do what your heart tells you, if you dont your gonna wonder if you ever did do what you wanted to do in the fisrt place, i have a friend that went USMC he doesnt regret it one bit, got to see allot of places and do allot of things, he actually made special forces
all these guys have good opinions listen to what they say and do what you think is best!!
The best advice I can give you is this:

Shop ALL five services while taking a semester of college. Then stop shopping them and do another semester of college while you think about it all. You will also give yourself time to get to know the recruiter(s) while possibly also waiting for your MOS selection to open up (or to become a 'need') for the service of choice.

I've said it before in one of the other threads you had about this subject... you have a very glorified vision of what it is to be a service member. War is not wonderful and romantic. Stalking men is not fun when you realize you are also a man being stalked (or worse, ambushed). This is a JOB with a lot of requirements outside the normal periphery of what most jobs would have. A JOB though that is willing to train you and take chances on your behalf. Also, a JOB willing to take chances with you by possibly placing you in harms way.

So, get a job (or continue working the one you've got) and attend college classes and see how you like that. As this is pretty typical of military service. Do your job and learn this, that, and the other thing at the same time. The benefit will be a clearer head about your decision and at least a little education toward promotion very early into your military career should you go that route.

One final note that I don't think anyone has mentioned in your threads about joining the service is this. You may get into a field that has a few different MOS's doing effectively the same job working side-by-side. However, the ACTUAL MOS you end up with determines promotion requirements. You probably want to talk to the recruiter about "cutting scores" (as we called them in the Corps) for different MOS's in the same field to aid in your selection. The difference can mean tens of thousands of dollars over the length of a career or could be what helps determine whether you want to stay in and extend or to return to the civilian world after your first tour. There's nothing more discouraging than being in your rank and in the service LONGER than the guy next to you who works half as hard and drags A55 every chance he gets... yet watching him gain rank months before you.

Once again, good luck!
Former USMC here...
Some of you have posted up some GREAT advice!

Here's a little more:
-Make sure you score high on your tests, ASFAB, etc...it will put you in a higher level with better options of MOS.

-If you are considering making the Armed Forces a career...think about getting a college degree first & ROTC...then you can go in as a Commissioned Officer right from the get-go. :learn:

Just my two cents...best of luck to you.

Semper Fi
some more than others sir
some stay in better hotels and get rent a cars :whistle:


Air Force FTW!!!!! HooAh! I really hated it when they put us up in the Freaking Marriot instead of the Hilton and the rental was always some craptastic SUV of some sort...

Oh and FWIW, when I needed a Lift from BWI to Ft. Mead MD? Yeah we rented a Limo. Why? Limo was $80 an hour, Cab wanted to charge us like $110... SO, it made sense. :beerchug:
I talked to the Army recruiter.

I have to be 21 to be a Green Beret like I wanted.

So now it's a decision between Marine Infantry (of some sort) or Army Ranger.

So now I guess I'll go and talk to the Marine Recruiter and see what he has to say.

Oh, and the army recruiter mentioned something about the Marines in a firefight in Iraq were running out of ammo, so the army offered them some (cause they had 3000 extra rnds or so), he said the Marines refused it because it was army ammunition...can anyone verify this? ???

I guess this whole thing is just in God's hands from here on out...I'm not 100% on what is right from me. I am asking my heavenly father for help in this decision now. :please:

Thanks for all you guys' help so far, please bare with me during my decision.:bowdown:
Moto do you read posts because I am to the point of thinking you post this stiff for attention and here's why. Had you actually paid any mind to what others have posted you would realize it make no difference how old you have to be to be a green beret because it is going to tale you. 3-5 years to get there anyhow. Do you know why? Because you don't know crap and you have to have a certain amount of maturity to be in Special Operations. They do want Rambo wannabes they want guys with the maturity to work unsupervised a long way from support and still be successful. Right now you don't display enough maturity to evaluate the advice of guys who know what they are talking about. So if you want advice I am happy to offer all my experience but PM me because I think your 500 indicisive posts about what to do with your life and the tons of great advice you have been given are more about you wanting attention than advice.
Posted via Mobile Device
I am just weighing my options man. No need to get all bent out of shape. ;)

I do appreciate all of the advice that you guys give me. But it is just that...ADVICE! You guys all even say that it is I who will make the decision either way. I just want to talk to people who've been there and are (somewhat) unbiased. (Unlike the recruiter).

But, I'm not going to defend myself, there's no need to.

If you want to call me immature for weighing all of my options for making a life-changing decision, then go ahead...live it up!

But I've got plenty of friends here who don't call me immature for weighing my options.

And just because I don't choose the same path, or have the same interests and desires doesn't mean that I don't evaluate the advice of you guys...it just means I have different interests.

I also am not looking for attention...there are many other better ways of getting attention than posting on an internet forum. Besides, I (for the most part) don't give a F@#K what other people think. ;)
Just kidding punk

Being as I've not had a chance to talk to the recruiter...when do you get to pick your MOS in the Marines?

I found a post on youtube that said...

"oorah Devil Dog! Thank you very much. I'm at TBS right now so we don't get our MOS's until the end. That being said Im a ground contract and am hoping for infantry. Yourself?"

The Army recruiter said he can put in my contract what I will be in the Army...(he said if I want to be a foot-soldier, that I should have NO problem getting that job)

How do they do it in the Marines? ???