going to the dragon

More like a tourist trap.

you nailed it on the head brother...I have to go to work there and try to get through traffic all day!! I friggen hate pigeon forge!! And I hate tourists!!! Unless they're on busas of course:whistle: Matter of fact, I was stuck behind two harleys that obviously couldnt ride for almost an hour today doing half the speedlimit on wears valley rd(leads into pigeon forge from maryville). Its only a partly town if you like chicks with no teeth and less brains:laugh: Stay in robbinsville...you'll thank yourself for it!! And like everyone says, make sure to visit the skyway..its alot better suited to the busas handling characteristics...long, highspeed sweepers, a great view, and no cops!! Completely opposite the dragon!
Not sure what I'm doing that weekend but, I'm 20 minutes from the dragon so if worse comes to worse and you need a place to crash, I may be able to help you out...depends on the wifeys opinion of course but I know my oldest daughter wont be here that weekend so I'll have a bed and a couch possibly available and may even ride out there with ya if we dont have anything planned. Just a thought....
you nailed it on the head brother...I have to go to work there and try to get through traffic all day!! I friggen hate pigeon forge!! And I hate tourists!!! Unless they're on busas of course:whistle: Matter of fact, I was stuck behind two harleys that obviously couldnt ride for almost an hour today doing half the speedlimit on wears valley rd(leads into pigeon forge from maryville). Its only a partly town if you like chicks with no teeth and less brains:laugh: Stay in robbinsville...you'll thank yourself for it!! And like everyone says, make sure to visit the skyway..its alot better suited to the busas handling characteristics...long, highspeed sweepers, a great view, and no cops!! Completely opposite the dragon!
Not sure what I'm doing that weekend but, I'm 20 minutes from the dragon so if worse comes to worse and you need a place to crash, I may be able to help you out...depends on the wifeys opinion of course but I know my oldest daughter wont be here that weekend so I'll have a bed and a couch possibly available and may even ride out there with ya if we dont have anything planned. Just a thought....

thanks man! :thumbsup: but i think we are going to have about 7 people riding and i doubt you would want that many. lol. any big towns in the area that we could ride to if everything close to the dragon is full? we plan on riding the dragon and that area on saturday then going to stay somewhere just that night and heading home the next day but would like to avoid going back into ashville
I would check microtel in robbinsville, i think this # is correct 1-828-479-6772 that is where we stayed and is a pretty nice place and only about 18 miles from the dragon.