Good Guy list

You all just about covered my list but you have to add Big O, Thinker, the artist formaly known as Howlin_Mad and of course Doc_Busa back to regularly sheduled programming...

  Ba Busa.  Mails me a steel sub frame. Very cool. Includes a pillion seat, which I was also looking for.Very cool.  Puts a cool sweatshirt in the box too.

    cool guy.
I just needed something to protect the seat and thought what the he!!
I'm humbled because my name was mention more than once...
Anyway, there are a lot of great people on here, and I trust a great deal of you guys. I haven't been steered wrong as of yet. I've only had to deal with 4 or 5 individuals here and ALL transactions went off without a hitch.

jmaz = Micron laptop
dezzy7 = chrome rear brake master cylinder
epicrisis = buell footpegs
BigBS = gold forks (I'm still workin' on it...)
LoBusa = so much shiite, that I won't even go into detail
Oh yeah and please let me not forget BigO. When I first came to the site and there was talk of the shop manual on CD, BigO quickly jumped up, burned me a copy, and mailed it to me at no charge. Owen is the primary reason why I won't take money for parts that I have, and I won't charge anything for them. Shipping charges would have to really be exhorbitant for me to charge that, but I do have a hook-up at UPS, so shipping doesn't usually cost me more than a few bucks anyway.
Hell, let's put everyone's name on the list!

I haven't seen a single one of you say "hell no! I'm not helping you with sh*t!"

Bottom line - tons of great people on here...keep the riff-raff out...
So.. those of us that didn't make anyones list.. should we feel bad? Cause I do!

I'm sooo upset over this thread.. I'm gonna.. I'm gonna.. well, I'm gonna go for ride
and NOT wear my gear!! OK, well maybe that's too severe... I guess I'm just not
gonna give a fug.. and cross you all of my Xmas list~

I won't make a list, myself~ I gotta agree with VA here.. there are a lot
of great peeps on this site~ Some bring very helpful info, some bring excellent
deals on parts and such, some just bring a smile and even some good ol'
laughter to the table~ It's all good in my book!  
Why add anyone to the list?

The riff-raff doesn't stay here very long, so we mostly endup with great people here!


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Why add anyone to the list?

The riff-raff doesn't stay here very long, so we mostly endup with great people here!
why add anyone to the list...I dont get it

1.Because someone started a thread,an' folks politely answered him.
2. Because some folks deserve an' honorable mention.
3. Because its good info...find out who's trustworthy,or who's ....
4. Because its kinda cool...if somebody takes the time to write a little blurb about you, they are is the subject of the blurb.
5. Rubbah started a good guy list a couple years back...SO IT MUST BE A GREAT FUGGIN' IDEA.

hav a 1...RSD.
Truwrecks - Thanks for the pic help man!

GD4GVN - Sent me a factory windscreen for free and didn't even charge me shipping!

And to all the unsung hero's who I have gotten ideas from along the way.

Thanks guys!
Nitrous Junkie.....Pacificbusa......MC Mustang.....BusaBullet.....Hayabusa1300Nut..thanks for all your support and I appreciate your integrity.....Mick
ederacer. sold me the headers all the way to the cans for $0 + Shipping. He sent one box directly to Jet-Hot for me,and the cans directly to me. Great guy....He's good for my money any day....
Sled.... he is a good guy... little nuts at times but a good guy LOL
Jesus H Christ....

 Sled the Head.   Fug.  Now I feel like shid.

  Sled is one of the coolest bastids around.

   He has the Sexiest/hottest wife on the board too...  
      lucky bastid, he doesn't deserve all that....
I hope that wasn't inapropriate...

  inapropriate... is that how you spell that...
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:glow(color=GREEN)>INAPROPRIATE STAMP</table></span></marquee>
     o well, who gives a fug....
LOL!!! did I miss that one?

nah...not inappropriate at all. I think she sorta cute too
bigjohn141, bought a set of brand new pilot powers from him for $200. Great deal , great guy to deal with!