Good luck for those in the path of hurricane Florence

That’s no help unless you mean Sun City. It’s been ages since I lived down there (Hemet) and I know Idylwild, Elsinore, Perris, San Jacinto, Banning etc but not Fun City.
That is no help
unless you mean
Sun City, CA .

It has been ages since I lived down there
( Hemet ) and I know Idyllwild , Elsinore, Perris,
San Jacinto, Banning etc. but not Fun City, CA .

Angeles crest highway is a FUN ride too ~ perhaps you are looking in the wrong places *

243 up through Idyllwild & over the 74 past the casino around highway 79 is the #BestLoopOutWest *
Three inches of rain per hour the news says just before dawn. Storm reduced to a Cat 1-2 and moving slow but the eye of the storm is over fifty miles across and the size of the storm circle covers hundreds of miles. Over 300,000 w/o power so far. Who’s out there, let’s hear from you.:confused:
Three inches of rain per hour
the news says just before dawn .

Storm reduced to a Cat 1-2 and moving slow
but the eye of the storm is over fifty miles across
and the size of the storm circle covers hundreds of miles.

Over 300,000 with out power so far .

Who’s out there,
let’s hear from you .


If there is over 300 thousand people without power ~ one would think that their internet is down too *

They probably have more important things ~ to keep them busy most of the day Terry *
Angeles crest highway is a FUN ride too ~ perhaps you are looking in the wrong places *

243 up through Idyllwild & over the 74 past the casino around highway 79 is the #BestLoopOutWest *
They can ride, I'll give them nice if there were more ladies in the GP or Superbike series.
Getting info across the pond about this major weather system , and I know it's got a way to go still , so hope everyone is having success with all efforts to surviving this . Be sure to check the old people in your areas , and keep your family and pets safe , the best you can . Wish everyone all the best .
If there is over 300 thousand people without power ~ one would think that their internet is down too *

They probably have more important things ~ to keep them busy most of the day Terry *

Cripes man, I didn't expect anyone to post while they're wading thru the water.:confused: You know there are evac places that are dry and have tricity and everything!:D