Good Poster material in Fast Bikes Mag.


October Issue has two beautiful women on two Naked Busa's doing one-handed doughnuts for their pull out Poster.
A must have issue for those of you who like posters for the garage.
Fast Bikes was supposed to have a write up on a 230 HP Busa (turbo I guess), but it was not ready in time so they provided the poster for this issue in its place.
Fast Bikes Magazine is at most Borders Book stores.
Thats a Bummer
It is located in the very middle of the magazine. Someone must have pulled it out and stuffed in their pants. It was the page after the The "Road Rager" R7 and was titled Naked Abuse!
The Brit magazines are the best.

In Cycle World we can read Texas Fairing ads.

Dirty Pete are their any Canadian motorcycle magazines?

If not then what is available next to *Igloo Girl* and *SnowHouse* up in the great white north?

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 09 October 1999).]
KawaAbuser, I agree the Brit mags are so much better that the Yank mags (all of them) seem uptight and bland in comparison.

I frankly don't trust a lot of what I read in Yank pubs because they seem to be so beholden to their advertisers. The Brits on the other hand will brutally trash, with words that wouldn't make it through the filters in this site, ANY bike from ANY advertiser.

Every country though, has some good racing weekly papers that seriously get into it.

In Canada, we have some pubs that are only good for the where the nearest bike salvager is located. Bike tests are a joke and never include objective testing (roll-ons, dynos, top speed etc.) of any kind. When every mag on the planet was doing cover story comparos between Busa and XX, one of our mags printed a cover shot of the two bikes turning side by side at about 30 mph on a public road with the bikes NOT LEANED OVER HARDLY AT ALL and the riders in cheap gear and jeans. Thrilling.

Also, the Canadian mags tend to cover material of more local interest, such as 12 volt d-i-c-k warmers, tactics for avoiding road ambushes by Quebec Separatistes, etc.

The centerfolds are better than anywhere else though. The girls always flash a little tit by zipping down the snowmobile suit, and their nipples are consistently hard as a rock...even in August.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 09 October 1999).]