Good/Strong Work Table


Enjoying 1 road at a time
Donating Member
Two great things happened in one day...1)My wife gave me permission to buy a lift table from Harbor Freight 2)org member CanadienMike posted his homemade work table complete with pics
I decided to design and build my own table and I think I did the right thing. 3/4" plywood, 4x4 legs, fun to build and very sturdy!

This 1st pic is before I sealed the working surface and trimmed down the legs to optimal height.

after I sealed the working surface, trimmed legs and with loading ramp (angle is pretty gentle but for 1st time, I'll have a friend help just to be safe!)

So now that you didnt have to buy the lift table, you can use the $$$ you saved to buy bike parts!
one more shot, didn't mount the bike up yet, waiting for sealer to set up...I'll post some shots tomorrow with Busa on surface

Excellent Idea!
I going to build a table too. Thanks for the insperation.

Do it Ken! The whole thing cost $66. BTW, the 3/4" plywood(4x8' sheet)is ripped down the middle which will allow my Pit Bull stands to function with the bike on the table (24" wide/also pilot holes and screws throughout). Raydog
Excellent point, Raydog. If someone is going to build their own stand, make sure you have ample support under the areas your weight is gonna be. Front wheel, rear wheel, kickstand, and front/rear stands as well. Too much support won't be a bad thing, but too little could be catastrophic. When I build mine, I'm gonna put the piece of plywood on the floor, then pull the bike on it, and mark where everything site. then im gonna put the bike on the stands on top of the piece of wood, and mark again where everything sits. That way I can build a "skeleton" under the plywood to be sure I'll be okay.

just a thought, folks. I'd hate to see someone's bike fall through their table because of lack of support.
Good idea re: laying it all out before building the thing up....I happen to have a good beam going across the garage ceiling so I'm going to rig up a device that holds the bike via the clipons...not bearing any weight but tight to the ceiling just for security! Maybe big I bolts up there with long tie downs going to those double loop tie straps that are cinched onto the handlegrips....just thinking out loud and sharing the thoughts! Raydog
Uhhh....if anything, I would mount (drill and screw) some rubber footings on the bottom of the legs. Don't care how heavy it'll keep things from moving.
I have a 36 inch wide arched oxlite ramp I use for loading the bike in the back of my truck. I'll just make the table 36 inches wide, use the ramp and ride the bike on to the table.


Ken, that'll work but is 36" maybe a little wide for a work stand? Just in terms of getting close to the scooter when working on it. What if you changed one set of hinges on your ramp so that they were removable....then just use the double portion of the ramp for the table? Maybe 36" is OK for table width, as long as you don't have to do a far "reach across" when wrenching. Anyways, today I'm going to get the bike up there, invent a securing mechanism, then post pics, so standby! Doyle