Racer 222

The rider formerly known as Howlin_Mad
Donating Member
Well if you didn't know Hank has left the board to go to he Sport touring board. We will miss you Hank. Hope you come back and visit from time to time.

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Here is what he posted
Hank was always a good what I call "Cage Rattler", as he would make you go "HMMM"....

He looks very happy where he is... I saw a bike exactly like his last month while gassing up. The guy I talked to looked at the Haybusa as well before buying. Just not as good for the touring he wanted to do.

Hank, good luck, and don't forget to say Hi every so often!

Hank on his journey:
So long Hank, but maybe no goodbye's.I have decided to join him and buy a FJ1300 also. I will purchase it in 3/04 So Hank if your on a FJ board holla back.Oh just in case your wondering THE BUSA STAYS I'm too in luv with Suzie-Q to let her go.
I still lurk here and may post a little, but without the Busa, I'm into a different world, mostly touring these day's. It's getting were I don't want to ride the local city at all. Give me the open road, thank you.
Take care the others said drop by once in awhile..
Check later in Nevada pic's and see what i did with my Busa.
Still the heart of a "monster you know" Cloaking device is wonderful..byfor now..Kawafaski...formerly..
I still lurk here and may post a little, but without the Busa, I'm into a different world, mostly touring these day's. It's getting were I don't want to ride the local city at all. Give me the open road, thank you.  
Hank you have always been in a different world. Does not matter what bike you ride.
Always enjoy your comments, and nostalgia items. Heck i may even come and visit you and your new site.


