if you don't think working in a autoplant is hazardous, physical,and requires training then obviously never steped foot in one.
Posted via Mobile Device
I work in a mfg plant (for the last 25 years as a matter of fact) and yes I
suppose to a much lesser degree, it is all those (were is the eye roll icon?)
Pysical to a sense that your not sitting at a desk, ihowever your not charging
up a hill in a desert or running full bore up a flight of stairs in a burning building.
It's hazardous particulaly in the sense if your stupid (generally if you follow
plant guidelines, a large number of the employee do make it home everyday),
unlike the numbers in Iraq or the fallen police officers or fireman
does require training, yeah I know even our fork lift driver has to sit threw a
video and get company certified and our guys need to learn how to build
things or what button to push but it's a far cry from a degree in law enforcement
going thru the firecollege and a boot camp.
Can't believe were even compairing them...Not to mention the service to the
public. If our military goes away we learn to speak Chinese, our police goes
were at the mercy of gangs and criminals, the fireman decide they've had
enough, our homes and business burn to the ground. The auto workers go
out of business...we buy Toyota's, which are a better value anyway.
There are a lot of people out of work who will do that job happily for a lot less
time for the reality check and get paid what the job is worth.
Someone tell me again why a V-8 Challenger is $43,000 msrp...
FORTY....THREE....THOUSAND...DOLLARS....what the....