got a new puppy in the house

Dude, seriously...

You know you bought that dog as lunch or 'midnight snack' for that snake of yours.

'fess up, yo!

Cute pup:thumbsup: This is my house dog, excellent theft deterent too:laugh:

Puppy proof the house

Got a new puppy once, Went to work came home, Legs on my brand new Bed were chewed on.
Your puppy looks like the schnauzer that my wife used to have...


Here is the schnauzer my wife has now...


i must add though that we do have a 6 month old 60 lbs Weimerainer "Chevy" in the house to counteract the smallness that is her "dog"

If you are not going to show your pup, why crop the ears? Here is a pic of my Brandy. 2 1/2 yrs. old now. She is wonderful and the ears look perfectly ok not cropped. Of course imo only. Mia is a great looking pup. :thumbsup:

Cute dog, just make sure to check the couch before you sit down..

more like watch my feet every time I move! dude she's constantly chasin' us around *in a cute way-not annoying "i'll do this all day" way* so I have to watch where i set down.

ps:wife n i both prefer the cropped look, for aesthetics and for cleaning/general health; easier to clean the ears that way and they get more air circ. so they have fewer chances of contracting ear infections...all it ever boils down to is owner preference anywho-just stating my reasons as an FYI.
Dude, don't you have some big azz dogs also??

That little thing is cute, but she looks like she could be a snack for a big dog!!
