Got hassled today

IF it happens again, I'll get the badge and name of the guy and call it in. He could have given me a speeding ticket 75 in a 65 zone. He did not. Flow around there is normally 80-90 and I was moving slowly and preparing to exit.
OBTW - when I told my wife about it she laughed about my going slow and getting pulled over.  

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No kidding....
We do get calls about drivers/riders operating erratically. It's not like we can just blow the complaint off, they must all be investigated. Otherwise we aren't doing job we get paid for. IMO if he was harassing you he'd do it with paper.
I wish they would ticket some of the drivers around here for going too slow. 10 mph under the limit should constitute a road hazard.

Hey, at least you didn't get a ticket out of it. That's the important thing.
Got stopped for the first time on mine the other night. Had never had it happen in over 40 years of riding. I think the officer just wanted to check out my bike since he did not give me a ticket.
I'm thinking I got pulled over for the same reason not long ago. I was comin down the road.....I could see a state patrol car comin in the opposite lane. I look at my speedo and make DAMN SURE I'm runnin the speed limit. As soon as I meet him he throws on the rack and whips it around. There is alot of traffic ahead and I can't move. I pull over....he asks for my license.(I DONT HAVE ONE)....INSURANCE CARD....( I DIDNT EVEN BRING MY WALLET)....+ Im 50 miles from home. Till this day I will never understand why he gave me a break. Yeah he let me shid!!! I thanked him like 5 times. (I too was thinking he was just wanting to eyeball the maybe he didnt feel like all the paper work.
I'm absolutely convinced that somedays you can't win no matter WTF you do!

Actually I'm seriously surprised the cop could say that to you and keep a straight face!

Here's an idea. If this continues, ask for the woman's full name, and if they don't give it to you, request it through the "US Freedom of Information Act". Hire a lawyer and charge her with "road rage!"

We need to get those nut cases off the road!
I am not running an experiment w/ Smaug. It has 2 parts.

Part 1 - Let me see if "behaving encourages LEO"

Part 2 - See what kind of high MPG I get.

Here is what/how I am going to (try) to do for a while: On highways, ride in the #2 lane as much as possible not to exceed 80 MPH, use my signals while on the highway while I at it.

If, after a month or so LEO does not hassle me I will know it was a random incident or I do get jacked for "behaving" I'll know how to spent the rest of the year. As a side benny, I should be able to get 37-40 MPG and save 20 or 30 bucks in gas.
i think that lady secretly wanted you and turning you in was an icebreaker to get your name and address later. of course i could be wrong.
Haven't heard anything like that before. Some crazy shite going on!