Got my taxes done


Dis in my way!
Staff member
So the wife and I pack up the kids and take em to grandma's house and drop them off... We go to our tax accountant and two hours later I have the results. In 2005 after all the donations, sold shirts, hats, decals, banners and advertising we made <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>$6.00</span> Whew......... At least I didn't owe the IRS for having this site........

The great news is this........After 3 years of grueling punishment my wife says my pennance has been paid and I have been cleared to buy a BUSA........

What does this mean to you? More time for me on the road, becoming an active member not a administrative pain.... More mods... Sponsors with things that I want......

Happiness, a happy captain makes a happy board.

Let's hear it ....... After 3 years I need a little lovin......

Now who is going to be the lucky dealer to sell me my new Hayabusa..... Maybe I can work out a banner deal? Now I just need Suzuki to tell me if the mid 06 release is going to be any different.

Thats GREAT news Doug, so very glad to hear it, especially the NEW Busa part.
WOOOO HOOOO- good news all around CAp. Work the angles on the new Busa.....

Great news! Get one quick so you can make the bash!
You guys need to remember that if RSD hadn't really really made me mad by starting that fundraising thing then I never would have been able to do this........ I dont know what i could do for Andy that could make up for it.

Hell I got him a new avatar so surely thats worth something....... He cant change it so that makes it fun.....
My luck is that if they come out in mid 07 then the colors will be yellow and purple or green and pink
that little rumor of the improved busa is keeping me at bay for now...... Hey Suzuki feel free to shoot me a secret email and let me know if the bike in June is better than the current 06....... I can keep a secret.
sweet...better than the 600.00 I had to pay this year...not having children HURTS me at tax time.
Congrats Cap. Now if you were to buy it now maybe we could get ya to busa bash on it.

As far as buying one might check in with Bartlesville cyclesports. Great bunch of guys there and good prices. I would not buy from anyone else. Talk to Zach he runs service but think he sells too. IF not can point ya to right guy too.