title/tax/licensing question........

Did someone say Dukes of Hazzard "Just some good ole boys ..........."

Where is Daisy at with those skimpy shorts, nice legs, and flat azz !!

For real though, you'd better take your country azz down ther and get some plates, boy, fore they run your azz in.
Ummm, we're from Omaha. This isn't hickville you dipshits. We're only 40,000 less people than K.C. Do you consider that a country town?
Holy #### man!  That is funny, I just went through the same exact ordeal this past month when I sold my SV and bought my used '04 'Busa.  I live in Papillion, NE.  

For the rest of you guys, you have no idea how expensive it is to plate a bike or car in Nebraska.  I paid $3,500 to plate my Navigator and $800 to play my '04 'Busa.  

Anyways back to the story.  I paid cash for my SV and never titled or registered it.  When I sold it I had to get the title in my name and just pay the sales tax, which wasn't that bad considering my trade difference was only $700 and penalties for not paying the sales tax for almost a year was only $5.  

Well I did that so I could get the title in my name to sell.  I just avoided plating it, which means paying property, wheel, and some other bullshit taxes.  So I paid that off, then I plated my new bike, property tax and such wasn't bad, just sales tax killed.  In Iowa it costs like $35 to plate a bike.  

For a while I thought I wouldn't plate my new 'Busa either, but then I hated getting nervous sitting at stoplights with cops behind me.  I never did get pulled over.  I did once however for speeding, but just got a warning and I didn't even have plates or a license on my SV at the time.

So all in all, just get it plated and over with.  By the way, I'm Sithor on omahasportbikes.com  What color 'Busa did you get man?
wassup brother.........

im on omahasportbikes as well, only my name was cbr954rider402, ive posted a good amount there.....

i got the black/gray 05, i cant wait to take delivery (waiting for my broken leg to heal)

we'll go ridin in a few weeks here........
I bought a new busa last week from a dealership in Georgia and I live in Alabama. The dealership gave me a doctored up bill of sale so I would'nt have to pay so much tax. $6500 instead of $10400......... very illegal, but, whatever, my state is so f### up ... they deserve the deception.
The kickstand mod is done on my bike, however I didn't do it. The previous owner did it, he is an OPD Sgt. I believe he is on this board, or was when he owned the bike. I'll talk to him on how he did it.

I just changed the oil myself today, easier than I thought but my bike fell over as I was trying to move it while the rear stand was up. I tried to move it forward to get it out of the sun as I was sweating my ass off working on it. Anyways, I scratched the hell out of my swingarm on the right side. Anyone have any tips on fixing the black swingarms when scratched?