Thats why I never leave home without my wallet. Because in it is my identification as a Sheriff's Deputy and also a badge. Is that fair, Hell No, but your not going to hear me complaining about it.
You're right, dude. It's not. Push the envelope a little farther and the next thing your drinking and driving, and getting pissy when you get pulled over and asked to do a field sobriety test.
Oh, I know, "F you, son! I'm responsible. I'd never do that." Well, you may not, and to give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably don't; but your train of logic is following that track.
When you're speeding, dude, you're speeding. I had this exact conversation a few months ago. You know what? When I worked traffic, if I happend to know you and you were a good guy, and all that, I might let you go once or even twice, LEO or not, depending on the circumstances of the stop.
Let me put it this way, I speed way in excess on my bike all the time on unpopulated or very low population roads...and I fully expect to be ticketed and/or charged with Recklessness if I get stopped by a patrolling unit. I even ride with guys at times where we all speed and ride agressively, but if we get stopped, we get stopped, and deal with it from there. If I get stopped and ticketed, or heaven forbid charged with Recklessness for speeding into that realm of "unsafe," I could lose my job. I don't think I would, but "dismissing" my butt would be an option...we take that chance when we ride because, I think, most of us are speed freaks and adrenaline junkies.
But back to the topic at hand...
I stop you, when I worked traffic, and you knowingly flash your fuggin badge or ID at me(or even worse, make it look like an accident), and expect me to go, "Oh, hey, man, my mistake." Or, "Oh, shid! You're an officer, too! That's cool then." That just pissed me off. Oh, yeah, and with some of the di@kwads I've worked with...I never really did "fit in." Go figure, right? I didn't expect favors because of my status and shid like that. Still don't and hopefully never will. The day I get the fuggin "God Syndrome" is the day I hope I have sense to get the fug out of Law Enforcement. By the by, a local copper over in Wautoma almost lost his job for doing
just what you said in your post. Got stopped in Waupaca, did exactly what you said...and got ticketed anyway...and the Trooper who did the stop reported the officer's misconduct. Reilly, the Chief, wanted his officer's job...Unions can be wonderful, can't they? On the other hand, they can be hindering. I know that copper, and he's a great guy. He's a good officer and I respect his experience and skill, but I agree with the one side of the still ongoing debate...he should have taken the fuggin ticket, paid it, and dealt with the Chief. Reilly probably wouldn't have been nearly as pi$$ed.
To take this crazy train one step further, a drug detective here that I have become friends with, busted one of his own a few years ago. What was he supposed to do when he went to the buy and, oh fuggin low and behold, there is a good friend of his, another copper, participating in the sale...should he have just let that shid go...even though the other guy didn't fuggin drill him right then and there? Spared his life, his cover, every fuggin thing; knowing he was probably going to go down...should that detective have let the copper walk? Not said anything because of "The Code?" The fuggin code. That cop begged, he pleaded, he fuggin threatened. Well, in any case he's in prison now.
We all, me included, probably take little things for granted every day. Little perks here and there, this and that...but I never want to let that go too far, get out of hand. If I see a crime happening while I'm off duty, I am obligated to assist, to intervene, to arrest, use force if necessary...but sometimes officers go too far with the Cop 24/7 "thing."
Anyway, you're probably one hell of a guy and more than likely a great Deputy, too. I just don't agree with your "moral flexibility" so to speak.
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