Grab Rail

i personally don't like the grab rail...i don't even use it when i put the passenger seat on to take someone for a ride...i want the passenger in contact with me so i can tell what they are doing...of course, those with wives or long-time significant others that have ridden together a lot are in harmony on the bike and may not need contact to communicate

when i'm taking someone new out for a ride, i want to know if they aren't paying attention, are getting nervous, etc...the best way i've found is to have them hold on to me so i can tell when they are preparing to shift positions or aren't flowing with the ride anymore for whatever reason...this is just my biased $.02
(DR1300R @ Aug. 21 2007,06:28)
(TXBusa05LE @ Aug. 21 2007,08:16)
(BA BUSA @ Aug. 20 2007,22:23) Other than a place for a passenger to hold onto...just there for show  
I object!  Try to put it on the stand with out it!

I do it all the time

The grab rail mod is just plain silly to me.. yuk imo..
Diffrent strokes I like the look of the
Grab Rail Mod.
i did the hump mod, but it was not for me so i traded my hump for another.
do what you like.
the rail makes puting it on a stand easyer. but i just remove the hump and grab the cross bracket, works for me
No grab bar means sexy time....I like the look alot better without, just my .02