Great ebay deal find!

Well guys I must admit I really have outdone myself. Sorry it has took so long to reply but I work 3-11 and I had to pull a double sunday or I would have posted sooner. This car is unbelieveable it was fully restored in 1985 and mechanically maintained to this day accept for the paintjob it's frickin amazing! It has had everything replaced with true ford parts and a pile of maintenance reciepts to prove it. Here is a small list for starters all new chrome in and out,rebuilt engine with ford certification(not original 289 but 302 bored 30 over with nice cam and screw in studs),rebuilt trans by ford also,new posi rear end with 355 gears,all new suspension,fuel tank,new carpet,guages and the list goes on. I had to trailer it home Saturday from Seymour In at 10:00 am while the roads were just ridiculous,we counted 24 cars that had either crashed or slid off the overpass on the way home. I was so nervous you prob couldn't shove a pencil up my ###. Anyhow I have not had time to mess with it yet cause I had to go to work as soon as we made it home,pulled it off the trailer and in the garage and off to work. I'll clean it up tomorrow and post some pics. I owe the guy BIGTIME for giving me such a merry christmas!!!!:thumbsup:
I also forgot to add the car actually only has 47000 original miles,it's certified on the title!
i never find deals like this, the only good deal ive ever gotten is my soon to be wife. but a car would be nice everyonce in a while
Here are some pics as promised. I do not know how to put them alltogether so here you go.:beerchug:

Picture 296.jpg
And #6. Engine has not been detailed yet, it looks this way cause the guy drove it 150 miles in the ice and snow to meet me. I also need to replace the radiator its rotted on the bottom from sitting. Once again this car was fully restored in 1985 with 45000 on the odometer, and after 20+ years only 2000 miles has been put on her. I think I have found a name allready I'm going to name her ANNABELLE cause my wifes name is Ann. It will also make her feel good about the car so I can start fixing the odd and ends and saving the cash for a new paint job! What do you guys think repaint it the same color scheme or change it up. :thumbsup: