I know, I know, if I was concerned about maximum gas mileage than why do I drive a Busa??? Blah blah blah.... Any how last tank came out to 54.42 mpg!
I luv this bike,10 second 1/4 when ever I want and prius + fuel economy when ever I want
I want more though, any body have any more reasonable tips? I have summed up a list of what I think has contributed to less fuel consumption:
42psi front and rear sport tour tires. Constantly check pressure
87 octane....premium reduces my fuel econ and power and I dont have any audible knocking.
30 second choke then ride off (very slowly and low revs until it warms up of course).
80% highway.
Drafting (This is subjective as far as safety- i dont tailgate but I do stay in some what of a wind draft)
I anticipate slowing down and traffic lights so I do allot of coasting with the clutch lever in.
Religious chain care.
Amsoil synthetic oil.

42psi front and rear sport tour tires. Constantly check pressure
87 octane....premium reduces my fuel econ and power and I dont have any audible knocking.
30 second choke then ride off (very slowly and low revs until it warms up of course).
80% highway.
Drafting (This is subjective as far as safety- i dont tailgate but I do stay in some what of a wind draft)
I anticipate slowing down and traffic lights so I do allot of coasting with the clutch lever in.
Religious chain care.
Amsoil synthetic oil.