Great gas mileage


I know, I know, if I was concerned about maximum gas mileage than why do I drive a Busa??? Blah blah blah.... Any how last tank came out to 54.42 mpg!:cheerleader: I luv this bike,10 second 1/4 when ever I want and prius + fuel economy when ever I want:thumbsup: I want more though, any body have any more reasonable tips? I have summed up a list of what I think has contributed to less fuel consumption:

42psi front and rear sport tour tires. Constantly check pressure
87 octane....premium reduces my fuel econ and power and I dont have any audible knocking.
30 second choke then ride off (very slowly and low revs until it warms up of course).
80% highway.
Drafting (This is subjective as far as safety- i dont tailgate but I do stay in some what of a wind draft)
I anticipate slowing down and traffic lights so I do allot of coasting with the clutch lever in.
Religious chain care.
Amsoil synthetic oil.
Best I ever got was 53mpg, 2up, the only time I tried C mode.

It uses less gas than my GSXR600, which is great.

Wifey's Prius still the best, if I try, I get 57mpg.
First month I owned mine I was getting 45-50 out of my 06 being very careful with the new power. Now I get a very fun 35mpg!
Isn't running 87 octane bad for the fuel filter?? Premium only for my baby :whistle:

Premium has nothing to do with the fuel filter. Premium is supposed to have a higher octane that some cars/engines require. Usually high compression, advanced timing, supercharged or turbocharged require it. In my OP if your are putting anything higher than 87 in a stock Busa you are throwing away money and getting less performance. My brother in law has an 06 and ran premium until I told him to try just 1 tank of 87....He never looked back....
I used to get 40's, had a few times in the 50's--35 is probably the norm now. Don't really concern myself with it anymore. I have found that the amount of fun I have on a motorcycle is inversely related to fuel economy...go figure.

I also never run less than 91 octane. I'm sure the lower rated stuff probably works fine but I could see the right combination of heat and altitude potentially causing a problem.
IDK how the hell you guys get such huge mileage from a tankful of fuel. I'm lucky to get 120km per tank, but that might be to do with how I ride.