Ok, now were're rolln and this brings the total to 30 sets.
1.eynlai 1
2.Rhythm 1
3.NitroJunky 2
4.Warbrown 1
5.CreekBoy 1
6.superbusaman 1 Fz1 slider "hopefully they're interchangable".
7.Krieg 1
8.1127 TO 1299 1
9.kilroy 1
10.Outlawed 1
11. Busa9 1
12. Mad 1
13.TBoneBUsa 1 "I tried the o-ringy thing years ago,Tbone"
14.TheSnake 1
15.Riironman 1
16.HawaiiBusa 1
17.Tedbiele 1
18.Busacruise 1
19.RedneckbusaBoy 1 Thanks homeboy (Shawnne Hills).
20.Loboboy 1 CBR600F4I
21.Hackabusa 1
22.sageronin 1
23.Dozier 1
24 RamminBusa 1 for his Busa and 1 the Katana
25.TheEarthdog 1
26.Jester0769 1
28.BLKBLU04 1 I'll probably have to order them for you and send directly from my house to you if they dont ship out of the U.S.
29.johnstein 1
Congrats people, we have over thirty interested buyers in less than 16 hrs, letzz keep the ball rolln up hill .
Also, again I would like to thank all the people on the list for responding to my PM regarding the price quote.
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>
Who's next in line</span></span>
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