Group buy...

Here's the skinny guys/gals:

Got an email from Danny today, and he said that he will get more pics of the covers to satisfy the skeptics, and he also replied that he also sells carbon fiber frame covers for the same price as chrome for any of those interested in carbon fiber. I didn't ask, but I'm pretty sure that it isn't "real" carbon fiber, but I'll bet they look awesome. Keep the requests coming as I do want to make this happen for you guys.

Brian thanks for taking the lead here bro, it is very appreciated.
how many people do u need before we can get this thing going? Just
want to say thanks for geting this together, I mean who would not want to save 15%. I was going to get them anyways but when I seen the post it was awesome.
I need to see some pics of the CF frame covers. If they are nice I will take a set. Does he also make CF swingarm covers?
how many people do u need before we can get this thing going? Just
want to say thanks for geting this together, I mean who would not want to save 15%. I was going to get them anyways but when I seen the post it was awesome.
I was just waiting to get final numbers. I will report to Danny on Monday what we are looking at as far as POSSIBLE buyers. I figure once everyone's questions are answered, we can start purchasing them. He's basically waiting on us right now. I am still waiting on the extra pics he promised me. I'll definitely have an update sometime tomorrow.
I sent an email earlier today to Danny at and I have received no reply as of yet. But, you put your faith in the fact that I am keeping up with this. I asked him for a final price, and for more pics. When I talked to him on Friday, he told me that he would send me more pics. I also asked for pics of the carbon fiber set since we have had requests for them. I would like to get the ordering started this week as I am leaving for San Antonio on Wednesday. I will keep on top of this as promised.
Not a Got dayum thing, but it LQQkz tight az hell.

Step On Playa, step on !