GSX1000 mirrors on your Busa?


Just wondering how many of you have put different mirrors on your Busa.
Are the GSX 1000 mirrors really longer - giving you a better view behind you.

I have ¾" blocks to extend mine but still see some of my elbows etc.
Not exactly what I would call behind me.

So who has changed their mirrors so as to get a better view of whats behind them?
What mirror did you go with?

I'm not interested it getting some little tiny mirrors to look cool, just not my thing.

I've got bar end mirrors that give a wider view - so I'm not looking to just stick on a round mirror
on to what I already have - thanks.

I got gixxer 1K mirrors by accident but I love them. They look great, smaller than the stockers but not silly small. As for the view behind me just average. I tried a lot of mirrors and the bar ends give the best view I just did't like the look on the Busa.
talk to tim at pashnit...i bought 2 sets of 1000 mirrors from him...they are sweet and works perfectly.
A little research shows that in 2005 it appears the mirrors gained turn signal lights on the back side
of the mirrors. You should check for sure what years will work because it appears that
the mounting holes could have changed for certain years also.

So it appears that there are no negative comments, right?
Everyone that has used the 1000 mirrors likes them and would do it again?

Because that I have an 04 it appears that the GSX 04 mirrors are the ones that would work.
Can anyone confirm this?

Also on the exploded views I have seen it appears that there is a seal under the
mounting area between the plastic and the mirror base - Looks like I might need that too.
Can anyone confirm this?

Are all years (say since 1999 - 2004) of the GSX mirrors exactly the same length?
Of course if I do end up purchasing a set of GSX mirrors, I would want the longest stems
so as to push them out as far as possible.

Keep the replies coming- THANKS
I'm researching this because like most of you know, you get to look at your elbows
when you ride most of the time.

What I'm concerned about is the statement "Slightly wider than stock".

¼" I doubt will be worth changing them on my 10 year old bike.
1" or more might be worth considering. Remember I already have a ¾" spacer I use now.

I use bar end mirrors and like them for the most part however I do have to look down to see them.
We all know what can happen in a split second, right?
So that is one reason that I'm considering changing if it WILL improve my rearward view (no elbows are what I'm looking for).

It seems many people rave about the Throttlemeisters and I would consider one of those too,
since I had tried the Rostra cruise and never got it to work right on my Gen I. However I'm not
willing to give up the bar end mirrors unless I can get a much better view out of the rear view mirrors
that should have been standard IMO.

Can anyone measure (and or photograph) the difference in length between a standard busa mirror
and a GSX 1000 mirror? Preferably 2004 versions. I know that's asking alot. Maybe I will get lucky.:please:
Mounted my blocks and the mirrors together, so I'm not sure of the difference, but I can see now what I couldn't see before. 03 and 04 GSX-R1000 mirrors are a direct bolt on (maybe 04-05 600/750?). I believe 01-02 1000/750/600 are similar to the busa, big and bulky.

The mirrors are a cheap option- I think mine were shipped from an ebay seller for like $30.
I looked on the gixxer forum to see if someone might be able to measure there mirrors for me.

Can you believe that they charge to be a member?

Yes there is a free membership - but pretty limited as you can't even edit your posts etc.
So I didn't register there (yet) as I doubt that I would visit there after my one post.

This Busa forum is much more user friendly and easier to get around in.
Also I can't see ever getting a 1000 when I already have the best sport bike made.

So nobody has a 1999 - 2004 Busa with 1000 mirrors on it?
I was at my dealer yesterday and brought my mirror with me to compare.
They didn't have any 04 mirrors in stock and the only used 1000 was a 2007 and it's
mirror is totally different even mounting in a different location then the older 04's did.

Just looking to save myself some time and money if there is not enough of a difference
between the standard busa mirrors and the gsx1000 mirrors,

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

Thanks :beerchug:
I received mirrors from Pashnit and UNFORTUNATELY they ended up being shorter than the stock mirrors.


I really wanted these to work. They seemed to be of good quality, but they are shorter in length then the stock ones.

I really want to give Pashnit, 2 great big thumbs up:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I called them and said I wanted to return them because they would not serve my purpose.
They said OK to return. I boxed them up and sent them out. I got an email before they even received
them that they credited my account for the total amount! including shipping to me!
That is what I call great customer service. Maybe he figures I will order from him again - and he IS right - I will.

If I had broke my stock mirrors then I might very well order these as a lower cost replacement.

Thanks again to Pashnit. :beerchug:

So back to the search for something to extend my mirrors a little farther.
The only thing I can think of is getting another pair of mirror blocks like the one in my first picture.
Then bolting them together unless they make a 1½" or more extender vs the ¾" ones I have now.
Time will tell.
wow man how large are you? I am 6'4" 250 lbs and they worked great for me. Thats odd that they were shorter then your stockers.
Bar-end mirrors.
I could see better with them than stock or gsxr mirrors.

I have bar end mirrors. The only reason I would give them up is to get a throttlemiser Throttle lock which you can't use with bar end mirrors.

That is why I wanted to extend my mirrors outward.