guess i need to take my oil pan off


since i stripped the plug on my oil pan over the weekend:banghead: i guess the first thing i need to do is take the pan off. i still havnt decided whether to replace the pan or use a helicoil, but either way i need to get off the pan. does anyone have any how to's or a copy of the repair manual for my 06. it has a yosh full exaust, so im guessin i have to remove those and maybe the oil cooler. any help would be much appreciated. also what is the plug size (in case i go with the helicoil)?
since i stripped the plug on my oil pan over the weekend:banghead: i guess the first thing i need to do is take the pan off. i still havnt decided whether to replace the pan or use a helicoil, but either way i need to get off the pan. does anyone have any how to's or a copy of the repair manual for my 06. it has a yosh full exaust, so im guessin i have to remove those and maybe the oil cooler. any help would be much appreciated. also what is the plug size (in case i go with the helicoil)?
I have a yosh full system on my 04. Its a super easy system to take off. The header is just held on by springs, you don't have to remove or replace any gaskets, they stay on the engine with the yoshi spigots :thumbsup: The header just slides on and off. And you don't need to remove the oil cooler, just unbolt it and let it hang down out of the way. Then cover your front fender and use bungee cords to pull the radiator forward out of the need to drain the cooling system or unhook any hoses. Then just drop the pan....very easy :beerchug: I would just replace the pan myself over fighting with a heli-coil which might or might not work. Do it once and do it right :thumbsup: The pan for my 14 was only 113 bucks, I can't see the busa being much different.
It is worth doing it right the first a minium take the pan off...helicoil and replace the pan gasket.

I went through the pan sealing / not sealing myself re-use the old gasket.

Helicoils are used in numerous applications, but the oil pan does not have that much material for the helicoil to mate up to...compared to a cast iron engine block where the full helicoil can seat itself.

It seems that it may work...two - three threads will mate up on the helicoil, but the next time you take the plug out you will have to deal with the same issue again.

Same as others have said...
What are you guys tightening these drain plugs with, a 1/2" impact? I have never stripped a drain plug, and I have done 100's of oil changes.???
thanx for the info guys and im pretty set on just gettin a new pan. might as well do it right the first time. i downloaded the repair manual off this site, but it says it for up to 03. im thinkin theyre all the same thru 07. can anyone confirm this
I would never drill and tap a pan in-place unless I was stuck on the road somewhere. The chances of having some metal filings migrate to the crank are high. As a suggestion I would see what the replacement cost for a new pan or a good used one from a recycler might be. Helicoils are expensive and have to be done right. I am wondering if in the long run it wouldn't be less expensive to swap pans? Just a thought you might want to look into. Wardie
autozone has helicoils for 10-15 bucks (if i was lookin at the right stuff). at first i was thinkin of tryin it, but forget that. i want my baby right and will do what im supposed to do-put on a new pan. im takin it all apart, slowly, to see what i can and cant do. i know i have to order the pan so ill be cagin it for atleast a week. ill keep everyone posted:beerchug:
The biggest thing with helicoils is drilling the hole straight. If its not drilled straight then the plug will never seat properly and wont seal. I have used helicoils many times and never had a failure. Used them on oil pans , spark plug holes in cast iron and aluminum heads, brake caliper mounting bolt holes. The hardest one to do was the aluminum head. I didnt remove the head,customer didnt want the added expense of removing it.
Luckily it was on a Honda(car) 4 cyl. the spark plugs go straight down thru the valvecover.
I rotated the engine till the piston was at TDC and then placed modeling clay in the hole to catch the filings, carefully drilled making sure to only go as deep as I needed. Then reached in with long thin needlenose pliers and pulled out the clay. Put the new coil in and new spark plug and it was done. No filings left on the top of the piston.
replace the pan...not a big deal, use an inch/lb torque wrench. for the extra few bucks, get a new plug &washer too. I had to replace mine after I aired out the suspension crossing an intersection during a "watch this" moment. caught some good air, but had a hard landing that caused my oil pan to become a skidplate.:banghead:
replace the pan...not a big deal, use an inch/lb torque wrench. for the extra few bucks, get a new plug &washer too. I had to replace mine after I aired out the suspension crossing an intersection during a "watch this" moment. caught some good air, but had a hard landing that caused my oil pan to become a skidplate.:banghead:

wow.... would like to have seen that one.... got any pics?:thumbsup:
nope...wife was behind me in the car, was a banked service road intersection, no traffic. I use to jump it on my cbr (perfect setup) and a few times on the busa (in 1st). any how, I decided at the last moment, since she was behind me to give it a little extra. well that little extra got me about 3ft air, almost cleared 2nd lane, cratered in exhaust, sheared rivits on undertail with back tire, front fender kissed nose, ground down oil drain plug, and cracked pan. landed square, but hard. she really showed her weight and reminded me that the 1st 2 letters in her i.d. were GS, not CR,KX,YZ,or kids were impressed, wife wasn't. I've grown up since then
i uldnt use a heli coil, if part of it gets into the pan(these break easy) it can float around inside the motor and fud up stuff
nope...wife was behind me in the car, was a banked service road intersection, no traffic. I use to jump it on my cbr (perfect setup) and a few times on the busa (in 1st). any how, I decided at the last moment, since she was behind me to give it a little extra. well that little extra got me about 3ft air, almost cleared 2nd lane, cratered in exhaust, sheared rivits on undertail with back tire, front fender kissed nose, ground down oil drain plug, and cracked pan. landed square, but hard. she really showed her weight and reminded me that the 1st 2 letters in her i.d. were GS, not CR,KX,YZ,or kids were impressed, wife wasn't. I've grown up since then
Straight outta Dukes of Hazard...yeeehawwww :laugh:
Timesert, machine shop, 14X1.25 thread, $50. Pull pan, give to your local moto-machine shop. Back in 24 hours. Get fresh gasket, torque bolts to 1kg. Bullet proof for life..... :super: