Guilty on all counts

That’s a damn lie and you know it. That’s also the second or third time you’ve posted that lie. So FU. Talk to wall for all I care.
I guess it depends which side of the line one stands.

For a Democrat that would read fighting fraud as best as possible, to have an honest election.

This is the thing about politics, people interpret things with so much bias, or mistrust that the true meaning is forever lost.
Au contraire mon fraire
Tis true tis true. Freudian slip twas

But he damn sure said it.

How bout actually being a man and show the entire speech? I said I’d already dealt with jerks for posting that same snippet of a video more than once. It’s NOT all he said.
And the proof is that ‘that's what trump told me.’

Good story…helluva story and sounds exactly like something he would (say) he did.
Rest easy. Before Trump is sworn in you'll see a liberal 'stop the steal' riot like none other. It will make 1/6 look like a child's bday party.
I would not want that to happen... however... it is how the left rolls.... when all else fails just start wrecking everything that represents what this country was founded on.
How bout actually being a man and show the entire speech? I said I’d already dealt with jerks for posting that same snippet of a video more than once. It’s NOT all he said.
This gaff is pale by comparrision to all the times the MSM gas lighted Americans with regard to what Trump said.

You guys want it both ways... its means one thing when Biden says it... it means another thing when Trump says it.

I got another one even though I won't search for it. After his installment Joe is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office as Kamala keeps bringing note books to and from his desk for him to sign. What are they? Executive orders...

What does Biden say at one point? "I don't even know what I am signing"

How's that for being presidential 3.5+ years ago when he still had a sliver of lucidness?

Proof once again imho that the Swamp is alive in DC and has everything planned n advance. How many EO's was it... 93?
How bout actually being a man and show the entire speech? I said I’d already dealt with jerks for posting that same snippet of a video more than once. It’s NOT all he said.
That IS exactly what he said in that sentence. Before and after were completely not related. You and I both know what he was trying to say but once again the oatmeal in his head let him down. A slip or a Freudian slip, you decide.

But it's ok. I understand. See that's how you people work.
You didn't ask zerks for the whole speech. You didn't ask for anything because you doubted he ever even said it.
The video created an awkward silence between your ears and now you demand more from in front of or after that sentence when it doesn't matter because HE SAID IT and you doubted it. So easy to verify it took me thirty seconds. But again it's how you people operate, just scream FAKE FAKE FAKE without even bothering to see for yourself.
Once again, thank you for proving one of our points.
You’ve certainly proven one thing alright. I watched the same film everyone did but I’ve also watched the (entire) film and it (is) a bald faced lie to post just that tidbit and not what followed that was entirely relative. Even zerks admitted it was a “gaff” and why he posted it. He feels it’s completely ok to post misinformation to steer the reader down the path for the wrong reasons. He believes that’s a fine
practice because he believes the left does the same thing. That traitor trump does the very same thing every time he opens his mouth. Sucks in a lot of dumbasses but you don’t have to feel bad about it, just open your mind and verify verify verify (before) blindly believing.

So Biden signed almost 100 EOs? Tell zerks that trump signed over 200 EOs. FDR signed nearly 4,000 so, so what!?!
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You’ve certainly proven one thing alright. I watched the same film everyone did but I’ve also watched the (entire) film and it (is) a bald faced lie to post just that tidbit and not what followed that was entirely relative. Even zerks admitted it was a “gaff” and why he posted it. He feels it’s completely ok to post misinformation to steer the reader down the path for the wrong reasons. He believes that’s a fine
practice because he believes the left does the same thing. That traitor trump does the very same thing every time he opens his mouth. Sucks in a lot of dumbasses but you don’t have to feel bad about it, just open your mind and verify verify verify (before) blindly believing.
BS... their exist a difference between a gaff and a statement meant to convey an event or idea. A typical gaff moment has the person come to a full stop and then correct the gaff. Well, that didn't happen here... the words stood for the world to absorb. So, defend it and tell us how ignorant and easily mislead we are. These politicians have a bad habit of not just saying stupid things, but doing dangerously stupid things.
Traitors everyone of those that voted to give trump King status. Their constitutional ‘power’ is to interpret and enforce the law, not create new ones. This decision goes against the constitution which clearly states that NO ONE is above the law. Why do you think the 2nd amendment was made the law of the land? You (do) appreciate the 2nd amendment don’t you?
Hi. You are correct no one is a bove the law. So let arest Obama for killing a kid from the USA in a drone strike with no trial? Is that not murder? It was an offical act so the can not arreat him. We would have to arreat every president for murder. The 2 nukes in Japan most were inocent. Did not Biden take a shower with some young kid? If he did that was not an offical act was it. I have heard other thing that he has done and if he raally did them he should be in jail. In an act of war maybe a lot of us here should be in jail. Bee you were on the ground you know what can happen.

Look what I just found... lol ! Fact check the Washington Times!​

Biden got 255,000 ‘excess’ votes in fraud-tainted swing states in 2020, study finds​

Biden got 255,000 ‘excess’ votes in fraud-tainted swing states in 2020, study finds &utm_campaign=20220330-march_30th_update&utm_content=ncl-JHyJm4HFgJ&_nlid=JHyJm4HFgJ&_nhids=vgyks 4Gq2P
Hi. Zerke to some here facts and the truth are lies and lies and no facts are the truth. I only hope I am wrong. Rember commies do not come to your door and say we are here to inslave you they say we are here to free you from your opression.
Why is Trump hated so much, by so many?

It might fall under the old phrase... liberalism is a mental disorder... but... I don't really know. I was never impressed with Trump in all the years before 2015. I might have watched the Apprentice TV show 3 or 4 times... it was boring and discomforting to watch as the contestants get skewered by Trump and his team. The tag line was kinda funny a few times when you heard why he said... Your fired!

His downfall in the early 90s had him just about down and out which was hard to understand at the time. His bankers put him on a $450,000 a month budget... don't recall any details of how all that worked.

Some people almost automatically resent rich people just for being rich... some people think he thinks only of himself but have never asked anybody that has ever worked for him what they thought of him.

The Trump haters are like a cult too... they rejoice in the ridiculous law fare that is the Swamp doing whatever they can whether it's legal or not to get rid of him. I bet Jack Smith gets love mail these days from the haters.... get him Jack! Trump is the Devil! They think ... Why doesn't everyone think that about him?

Just look at him... he is a felon... and a flight risk in some peoples minds.
I use to be a staunch Democrat.

Then during Trumps presidency, their morals and behavior made me jump off the train.

Since then their train just had a pretty bad crash.

The locomotive and a few cars are still going, but it is pretty clear they are heading for a final fatal crash in November.

I know the guy to blame for all of this.

His name is ….
