Rubb , who is that Brilliant Genius standing behind the Wild Canuck with NO ear protection or is he already DEAF
Only in Canuck country do you have to adjust for windage in an enclosed firing range
Damn... they took all the ice cube trays and the blankets. I mean Damn talk about being evil and vindictive
Rubb aside from you I thought All Canadians was supposed 2 be nice n friendly?? Kickin a man when he's down and not leaving him a pot 2 piss in or a window 2 throw it out of isn't right.....
That's a pretty cool lookin place. Never been to Hawaii, and never thought of shooting the place up when I got there lol.
Your finger should NEVER be inside the trigger guard until you have your target in your sights and are ready to shoot. Safety first!
That my friend,is the gun shop owner.
That gun range is in the Good Ol' U.S.of A.
Downtown Waikiki to be exact.
Wanted to give you some crap about that cute little outfit you have on there but then I read you were on vacation and in Waikiki and it kind of makes sense. Oh well, I am sure I will have other opportunities.
Its a good thing you were shooting small calibers, your posture is terrible. Lean forward so your pistol will cycle correctly and you dont start spraying bullets in the air. You should imagine a golf ball under your heals and lean forward into the shot. Good thing you didnt have full auto
im glad you had fun rubb.... next i need you to come this way and BLOW **** UP....cause thats how we do things round here
You boyz that live near these shoot 'em up places have got it made.
I live in a shoot 'em up place, my deck is a shooting range. The beauty of living in county.