I think we are all heading in the right direction and likely making more progress to find a common understanding of thoughts than congress has, will or can. 
Limiting guns is probably not the solution but we certainly need to improve the process by which they are purchased, owned and used. Creating permit systems that are scrubbed annually or more to match fellony convictions, mental illness diagnosis, etc might be a way to help identify possible issues. Who knows but our mental health system sucks donkey and is not going to improve in our lifetime. There are far too many other programs that we put money into that are really a waste but yet will always exist.
The bigger issue is the way that the news media and politicians use these events to further their own agendas. If we could fix that I honestly think we might actually find a way forward to fix the real issues. Sadly until we fix the media and political systems we likely will never know the truth and true extent of the issues

Limiting guns is probably not the solution but we certainly need to improve the process by which they are purchased, owned and used. Creating permit systems that are scrubbed annually or more to match fellony convictions, mental illness diagnosis, etc might be a way to help identify possible issues. Who knows but our mental health system sucks donkey and is not going to improve in our lifetime. There are far too many other programs that we put money into that are really a waste but yet will always exist.
The bigger issue is the way that the news media and politicians use these events to further their own agendas. If we could fix that I honestly think we might actually find a way forward to fix the real issues. Sadly until we fix the media and political systems we likely will never know the truth and true extent of the issues