Yeah! I have that same BUMPER Fear going on...The fear of the Dude in the F150 coming around that Left hander while i am cranked over hanging the head out...DOOOOONK...Headless Busa Man....
Maybe you could run the Clover Leafs Backwords late at night?

No, prolly a bad idea... Thats why I am hunting for a monster Parking lot...Some place where I can get up some decent velocity and realy work on hanging and turning... As well as practice them spooky assed low speed U-turns...
What I really want is a Stunt/Thrash bike...Something cheap I can abuse and get really good at all the fun stuff on, stoppies, wheelies, burnouts etc... Something like a CBR600, stripped down with all the crash protection and folding levers... You know Huge rear sprocket, get it topping out at about 95MPH...