Happy Birthday Busa Jules

Thanks all y'all!! Doc just took off early and we're going to go fix my HIDs!! I might even get a ride in today :woot:

I'll be sure to down some hooch for all of you tonight!! :beerchug:

Time for the Mass Comsuption of Hooch!!

Have a drink for me as well! Hey you live in Mississipi, do you have a moonshine still? Just kidding?

Seriously happy birthday. I think we are now the same age, and if not will be when I turn it this May.
Jules you and Doc should come join me in Texas for a little get together and we will throw your birthday in. If I cann drive 15 hours to come see these nice people you can drive 10 hours. I would love to meet the both of you face to face. PLEASE. I will be getting in town at about 8PM Saturday so Lav can get off work and get wound down before I throw him in to a spin. LOL

Please Julie, Darryl. Please. Please.

Happy Birthday again even if you can't come.:welcome::rulez: